Help on drippers!

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Aug 14, 2013
So I've been vaping for about 5 months now but I have zero experience with drippers. I have a vamo so am wondering if anyone has advice on what kind of dripper would work well. Basically assume I have zero knowledge in this department but after reading I am realizing that maybe by using a dripper it would negate my need to have a million tanks, correct? I seem to cycle through or want to switch juice flavors pretty often so I am just thinking maybe a dripper would be more beneficial rather than having 8 protanks, right? How does a dripper work? Downsides? upsides? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Ultra Member
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Jul 29, 2013
Miami, FL
I'm fairly new to dripping as well so I can't really tell you much other than I absolutely love it. The only downside is how impractical it is for outdoor use. You have to carry around the bottle of juice. I'd say get as many tanks as you think you are going to need for vaping outside. But for me, I drip at work, home or somebody else's house. Anywhere else it's just impractical. I have 8 tanks and regret having bought that many. Should have bought 4 tanks and a bunch of dripping atomizers.

The pros of dripping is you get the best flavor, throat hit and vapor you can ever get. If you have only been using tanks then you are in for a surprise once you take a drag off a dripping atty. It's simple really just add 2-3 drops of juice into the atty and vape. When the flavor starts changing or the vapor production goes down add the same amount.

My recommendation would be to go to avidvapers and take a look at their attys. a bridgeless one will give you the cleanest flavor of them all, but it's also a bit more delicate since it can get messy with leaks. Also empiremods has a great share of attys as well. Those two are my top choices.


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Jul 20, 2013
Illinois, USA
Drippers are fantastic for testing out juice flavors without having to fill a tank. I think everyone should have at least one on hand, especially while searching for that elusive all-day vape. I also use mine when my tastebuds start becoming numb to what I've been vaping and I need to change up the flavor.

If you want to know how they work, think about taking a cartomizer that has a horizontal coil on the bottom and pulling out all of the absorbent material in it; it's just an atomizer that you drip liquid directly on in order to vape it. The biggest downside is that you can't just fill it up with liquid and vape for hours on end; after every few inhales you will need to drip more liquid onto the coil. The upside, however, is that the flavor a dripping atomizer produces is fantastic.

Everyone has their favorite dripping atty's, so you'll probably get a lot of recommendations here. As far as 510 dripping atty's go, the HH.357 Cisco Spec Hybrid 510 Atomizer - Avid Vaper is a great one. It is on the pricey side, and dripping atty's don't last forever, so you'll need to replace it periodically. The atty I'm using is the 1.5 ohm long barrel Stingray 510 Atomizer; it works great and is about half the price of the HH.357.

There are many others out there, but I've been using 510 atty's so that's what I'm familiar with. When you decide what you want pick up a couple and try them out. There is a slight learning curve with them; it takes a little time to become familiar with the atty and know when it needs to be topped off to prevent a dry burn, but you'll figure it out pretty quickly. Good luck.


Vaping Master
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Apr 26, 2013
South Texas
Some great information here. Only thing to add would be my recommendation is to not buy a $20 HH357 to start with. You will make mistakes, flood it, get dry hits and that is an expensive way to learn. Firing your atty dry is a great way to make it die quickly.

Just get a regular 510 dripping atomizer from any vape store for about $5 and start with that. When you feel comfortable, then maybe move up to the more expensive ones if you feel it's necessary.

Just my :2c:


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May 28, 2013
United States
I was curious about dripping and wanted to be able to rebuild the coil to play with that, and easily rewick to change flavors (especially if going from a menthol). I picked up a Phoenix Clone from Discount Vapors. Nice little device, I've been vaping on it exclusively for the last couple days. I discovered it is fun to just roll from one flavor to the next when you know you are getting close to needing to drip again. Double Apple to Wild Cherry was pretty yummy. Otherwise a quick rinse in hot water and a wipe down leaves you ready to go.

*edit* I'm not familiar with the dripping atomizers others are recommending but one nice thing about a rebuildable dripper is being able to see liquid level inside the device and monitor your coil/wick.
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