Hello, just joined, first epipe on the way

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Full Member
Sep 10, 2010
Greensboro, NC
Hello all! I've just signed up here and am a complete newbie to this, though I have been smoking and collecting pipes for some 20 years now. I'm looking at it mostly as a diversion from tobacco pipes and something fun to smoke in places where I otherwise couldn't. I've got my first epipe on the way now from Vapesafe - It's the 601, which seems to be the only model of epipe existing except for the smaller ones. I've also got a selection of liquids on the way, from the dessert flavors to a couple of supposed Virginia tobacco flavors. I have a couple of initial questions if anyone has the patience - What can I expect from the 601 epipe compared to a normal tobacco pipe? Are there battery life or performance/reliability issues I should know about to keep the thing working well? (In this respect I am a little leery, since with a normal pipe you buy it and take care of it and it will last your lifetime) I have been reading the forum for liquid blender suggestions and there seem to be a LOT :blink: ..for a new guy! Can anyone suggest specific vendor(s) who do good renditions of traditional pipe tobaccos? Or is the epipe more of an, "Accept the differences and jump in with both feet" kind of thing, and I should just get used to strawberry-cream-banana-flavored smokes? Oh, and is the 601 really the only epipe, or are there other/better models available?

Sorry for all the questions, but thanks in advance for any info offered...


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2010
Welcome!!! I don't know about e pipes but did a quick search of the fourm and found just over 90 threads about them so there are some e pipe users here. One thead you might find of use is http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/e-cigarette-maintenance/64885-601-e-pipe-maintenance.html?highlight=pipe As far as juice goes there does not seem to any that is "just like tabocco" some report a few being close but the taste of jucie is so much individual perference. Suggest small sample in various flavor and a few different strenghts to see what you like.

edit: Looked thru the model specific fourm and found http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/dse-601-pipe/ you can look thru there but will need >5 total posts in the new member fourm before you can post there.
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Full Member
Sep 10, 2010
Greensboro, NC
Thanks, guys, and in particular, thanks Petem for the thread links. Looks like a lot of excellent info there. Pipe tobacco is a very, very different world from cig tobacco... More like fine wines, I guess, with blends bought and laid down to age for decades, and that sort of thing, so I'm not really expecting to find an eliquid blend that will taste just like 15 year old Gawith Black, but it would be nice if I could get some decent approximate flavors to common pipe tobacco blends. I'm actually looking forward to trying some of the more aromatic flavors also, since aromatic pipe tobaccos generally don't smoke anywhere near as good as they smell (The added sugars and flavorings tend to turn acidic and biting during combustion), and I'm hoping an epipe won't have this problem.


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Verified Member
Sep 4, 2010
Hi Trever. Good to see a pipe smoker and maker on the forum. I havent made any post yet but thought you might like to ck Johnson Creek smoke juice, Tennessee Cured and Espreso are good. Iv been thinking on trying to make a handmade epipe but not enough time, also havent tried the epipe just ecigs and mods. There great!


Full Member
Sep 10, 2010
Greensboro, NC
Thanks! Hmm, well, I was wondering if anyone I knew from the tobacco pipe world would be on here. I'll look up the blends you mentioned. Gack, "blends"... It's going to be hard to change lingo, I can see already ("Vaping" just sounds utterly weird to me, as an expression). I'm thinking that if I enjoy the experience of the epipe, I may eventually try taking one apart and rebuilding it into a handmade, but that's a way off down the road, methinks. My main caution is all the talk about how quickly they break - I don't mind paying a premium price for something that will last, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of choice in epipes so far.


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Sep 4, 2010
Just two choices from what I have seen., but I havent had time to ck them. I wanted to get off of reg cigs so I started with the ecig and have got into the mods and dripping. Just starting to look at some make your on mods kits so the parts are out there I think. Good to see you on here and welcome back to the US also.


Full Member
Sep 10, 2010
Greensboro, NC
Just two choices from what I have seen., but I havent had time to ck them. I wanted to get off of reg cigs so I started with the ecig and have got into the mods and dripping. Just starting to look at some make your on mods kits so the parts are out there I think. Good to see you on here and welcome back to the US also.

Thank you kindly! It's going to be nice to go to the CORPS expo next month and have everyone speaking English. The culture shock of this past year back in the states has been a wee bit bizarre, though... Holy cow, vehicles are LARGE here. :D

If I actually like this epipe thing, I can see myself embarking on a massive quest to find the perfect liquid replacement for Gawith 1792...


Full Member
Sep 10, 2010
Greensboro, NC
So how's the e-pipe?

Already died, as has happened to so many others. These 601s just seem to have a one month life span. It's currently sitting on my desk in a dismantled pile of parts. I'm going to try fitting it with a manual switch and a new atomizer, to see if I can make it a bit more of a permanent fixture here. If I can re-engineer it to use a sealed, flat-contact atomizer, I'm going to try to set it up somehow to make the atty replaceable. Right now my immediate problem is how to get the battery casing out of the bowl - I've got the shank tube and the atty and all out, but the white battery casing is stuck fast and I may have to saw the bowl apart to get it out. Wouldn't be a huge loss if it came to that, as I can always turn and drill a replacement bowl pretty easily.
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