Heather's Heavenly Vapes: Pirate's Booty and Sludge

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 28, 2012
Jacksonville Florida
It has been a little while since I did a review and I am feeling out of my element and I figured these juices are steeped and it's time to stop procrastinating.

I will start out with...

Pirate's Booty: This juice is a part of Heather's Purity line. It is a naturally extracted Caribbean tobacco. When I first got this juice I thought "It smells like Dragon's Fire.". It does. But much spicier and with deeper more complex and busy notes. However it takes about a two to three week steep to evolve into it's true form and for those flavors to present themselves. I get that wonderful genuine tobacco taste but with a spicy earthy darkness. There is a delicious fruit note on the exhale that I can't put my finger on but it could be considered a Caribbean style fruity sharpness. On the Inhale it is very spicy but very creamy on the exhale. Vaper production is great at 70/30 PG/VG and throat hit is very strong. Flavor strength is strong. If you love DF you will love this.

Sludge: Now before you waste your time reading a review on a juice you already have, due to copyright issues HHV had to change the names of some of their juices. Sludge is Gollum. Same blend but different name. Sludge is an extracted pipe tobacco with notes of Raisin, Plum, and Honey. Upon smelling the fresh juice this juice smells like a tart but sweet tobacco. After two weeks of steeping this juice evolves into a dark tobacco with sweet notes of plum, genuine pipe tobacco, raisin and honey. The foundation of this juice's flavor is a honey cured tobacco taste but the plum and raisin are still very pronounced. I don't know how Heather and Adam do it but they manage to layer fruits perfectly. Neither fruit overpowers the other but the plum is more pronounced in the inhale and the raisin is more pronounced in the exhale. When all of these flavors blend together I get nostalgia of a premium port wine. This juice is very unique and rich and I will admit I hated it when I first tried it but I have grown fond of it. I wasn't going to review this juice because I don't do negative juice reviews but I am slowly liking this juice. Must've been the ego-c atty tank my sister was using when I first tried it a couple of months ago. Vapor production is great and It is a HHV tobacco so it packs a massive throat hit at 70/30.

That's what I've got. Happy vaping!


Full Member
Feb 19, 2013
Pirate's Booty: This juice is a part of Heather's Purity line. It is a naturally extracted Caribbean tobacco. When I first got this juice I thought "It smells like Dragon's Fire.". It does. But much spicier and with deeper more complex and busy notes. However it takes about a two to three week steep to evolve into it's true form and for those flavors to present themselves. I get that wonderful genuine tobacco taste but with a spicy earthy darkness. There is a delicious fruit note on the exhale that I can't put my finger on but it could be considered a Caribbean style fruity sharpness. On the Inhale it is very spicy but very creamy on the exhale. Vaper production is great at 70/30 PG/VG and throat hit is very strong. Flavor strength is strong. If you love DF you will love this.

Spicy and earthy with a fruity touch - sounds great! Does the "creamy" imply a weighty characteristic to the vapor?

Sludge is an extracted pipe tobacco with notes of Raisin, Plum, and Honey. Upon smelling the fresh juice this juice smells like a tart but sweet tobacco. After two weeks of steeping this juice evolves into a dark tobacco with sweet notes of plum, genuine pipe tobacco, raisin and honey. The foundation of this juice's flavor is a honey cured tobacco taste but the plum and raisin are still very pronounced. I don't know how Heather and Adam do it but they manage to layer fruits perfectly. Neither fruit overpowers the other but the plum is more pronounced in the inhale and the raisin is more pronounced in the exhale. When all of these flavors blend together I get nostalgia of a premium port wine.

Interesting how you get one flavor during the inhale and another during the exhale. Also, the few juices I have tried so far seem to have one dominant and several (or sometimes only 1 or 2) additional flavors, so the balance you describe sounds good as well.
I ordered these (and a few others) after reading your review. If you like, I can post my impressions when I eventually get them.
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