Halo G6 vs Volt vs V2 + Best juice for a person who smokes Dunhill Blue/Sobranie/Parliament 100

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Full Member
Aug 10, 2011
Hello everyone,

I am trying to find a good E-cig for my husband who has been smoking ~ half a pack a day for the last 10 years. He loves Dunhill International (blue pack, red is too strong for him) and Sobranie Black Russian, he hates all menthol cigarettes and he smokes Parliament 100 when he doesn’t have Dunhill or Sobranie.

I know it is important to get him some juice which he will like & which won’t turn his first e-Gig into an unpleasant experience.
I am thinking of getting him a sample pack from Halo and hope he will like Prime 15 or Tribeca.

I also read about different e-Cigs, and was about to get him Volt or V2, which are supposedly (?) updated versions of KR808D, but then I saw Halo website sells G6 E-Cigs.

I would like to know the difference between these 3 products: Volt, V2 and G6. What is the advantage of buying e.g Volt and then filling it with Halo juice over getting G6 from Halo? Also, Halo says that G6 cartomizers are KR808 compatible. Does it mean that I can use G6 pre-filled cartomizers for Volt e-Cigs? I noticed that V2 kits in general are more expensive than Volt’s kits or Halo’s G6… Is there any reason for that? I want to know if V2 e-cigs are of better quality or you’re just overpaying for their lifetime warranty.

Also, if anyone can suggest other juices which considered to be the top of the line and resemble my husband’s favorite cigarettes, I would love to hear about them.

Thank you very much for your help!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
Forget V2. V2 is a ripoff price on parts. Vapor4Life is the vendor most of us use for standard KR808D-1 as well as plain original manufacturer KR808D-1. Re Halocigs G6, Bloogplanet and Smokeless Image Volt are the same as each other, a newer rubberized KR808D-1 theaded ecig with slightly higher mah, tiny button on the manuals an a shorter cutoff.

I recommend manuals - safer from being damaged or killed by juice leaks, can't be turned on accidentally by wind or vibration, make it easier to get a good hit, and you can safely use a DSE901 atty and drip tip on a manual (as well as not worry much about leaks from cartos). If you buy autos, at least try one manual.

Re the juices, no idea. But do this search at google.com (ignore the word code)

site:http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/ Parliament

And do the same search substituting each of those other two brands for Parliament

That is the best way to pull up relevant previous threads here.
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Full Member
Aug 10, 2011

Thank you for clearing that up, Dormouse.

I actually wanted to get my husband 2 types to begin with: manual and automatic to increase his chance of a success since I don't know which one he will like more.

And thanks for the search tip, sometimes simple solutions just avoid me, especially when I'm so overwheled with all new information. I started reading forums yesterday and I had no idea that the world of e-Cigs has so many different options!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 14, 2011
Tampa, FL
I have the Halo G6 kit and it's very, very nice. They are a very high quality, perform well and have the best packaging and instructions of any kit that I'm aware of. It's a two piece model with cartomizers that can be refilled or you can use pre-filled. The Halo liquids are very high quality as well, and are made in the US and have unique flavors. I would suggest getting the liquid sampler from Halo and an extra pack of blank cartomizers. That way your husband will be all set long enough to figure out what liquids he likes so you can order more before he runs out. Although your husband doesn't usually like menthol quite often people who didn't like it while smoking likes it while vaping. Halo has Malibu Menthol which is incredible...it's a very light menthol flavor that tastes sort of like a pina colada or a Malibu rum. If you go with the Halo G6 you won't be disappointed at all...it's a really great kit.


Senior Member
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Jul 6, 2011
New York, NY
As a Smokeless Image Volt user I'm going to (as I always feel the need to do) chime in that it's a fantastic model and, as far as we know, 99% identical to the Halo G6 and the Bloog MaxxxxxxFusion. The only difference is price and setup options. The Halo G6 seems a bit overpriced to me for 2 batteries and a USB charger ($55) they also throw in a tin and a carto carrying case.

I believe Smokeless Image's Volt has better pricing overall and I know from my orders they have extremely awesome customer service. Their thread on ECF is pretty popular too with great input from their company's rep, Imagine.

Although I'll say this: I've heard great things about Halo's juices. So if you're looking for dead simple pre-filled cartos with great juice and don't mind paying a little extra for someone else to fill up your carts, maybe they're the way to go!

You can't go wrong with these Volt/Halo/Bloog models though, they're really pretty great.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 14, 2011
Tampa, FL
I think the manual battery button might be different on the G6. The G6 has the same kind of button as Bloog but a different textured battery (rubber feeling matte finish).

The Halo G6 is $10 more than the 2 battery Volt kit but it comes with 5 prefilled Halo e-liquid cartos and two blank cartomizers, the plastic cartomizer case and the storage tin, which is really, really nice. They're very comparable in price when you consider the additional things I mentioned. I do think there are some minor differences between the Volt, G6 and Bloog, but they are all good products.


Full Member
Aug 3, 2011
I just started with these e-cigs two days ago……I was a pack a day smoker (Marlboro Red then to Winston Lights 10 years ago because they have no additives). I started on Chantix and was down to 6-8 smokes a day for the last three weeks. I smoked as often but only took a few drags at a time.

After spending some time on this site, I decided on the Volt. Smokeless Image was out of all the flavors I wanted so I decide to go with Bloog. (I know…costs more) I got one automatic and one manual. Like most new to this, I thought the look and feel of an analog was important. I purchased 3 sample packs of tobacco flavors, one each at 24mg 16mg and 11mg nicotine.

What I think thus far……Received my e-cig stuff in the afternoon, and began testing all the flavors and strengths with both batteries. Very happy with both batteries. The 24mg nicotine was too much for me in both batteries. A bit too harsh. The 16mg using the automatic, is about the same as the 11mg using the manual battery.

As is usually mentioned, the desire to use a device as close to an analog fades pretty quickly. It's the vapor, throat hit, and nicotine delivered that seem to matter.

Anyway, went out today a couple hours vaping a bit to have an analog…….couldn't believe how bad it tasted. Guess I've quit after 55 years. I don't think you cab go wrong with Volt, Bloog, or G6


Full Member
Aug 10, 2011
Thank you, guys, for your input! I'm glad I found these forums; otherwise I would be totally lost.

Ok, I ended up ordering G6 from Halo since I decided to go for their juices.

I got:
- auto and manual 78mm battery
- prime 15 cartomizers (12 and 06mg/ml)
- Tribeca 5ml juice w low nicotine level (06mg)
- blank cartomizers

Now, I’m waiting impatiently for this kit to reach Arizona.

I am not so sure I made a right decision going for 78mm battery since it will make the e-Cig look even longer than analog 100s, but Horndog and other members mentioned that vapor is more important than the visual look. Let’s see, if my husband likes the end result and the only problem is the size, I’ll get mini batteries. Also, if he doesn’t enjoy Prime 15 or Tribeca, I’ll get him a variety pack. I don't even know if he'll be ok with an idea of filling his cartomizers... I wish they had a sample pack of prefilled cartomizers - would make it easy for first-time users to try different flavors.

I am crossing my fingers and hoping this thing will work! My next purchase (I'll try Smokeless Image or Vapor4Life) will be for his mother, who was supposed to stop smoking 5 years ago because of her health issues, but still cannot give up her beloved Malboro.

I'll make close-up photos as soon as I get the kit
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