GreenHouse One "Order Delays"

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 5, 2011
Freddy Beach, NB, Canada
Well, this is my first order, and I'm very disappointed so far.

I placed my order on Nov 26th, and got an email the following day saying my order was shipped. I tracked it daily but got NO updates via EMS... so after about 9 days of no updates, I contacted the administrator, Tim.

Dec 6th: He advised me that the order didn't get through customs in China due to the high alert with the Guangzhou Asian Games. He said the new order was shipped, and gave me a new tracking #. He claimed that they had been trying to contact me for the past week. Now I'm home all day, never got a phone call. I checked my email daily to track the order, and didn't get an email to advise that this had happened. I sent an email back that night and explained my disappointment for the delay but was anxiously awaiting the order, but worried I wouldn't get before Christmas due to mailing delays over the holidays

Dec 7th: re-sent email as I didn't get a response...

Dec 8th: Tim replied, apologizing for the delays, and assured me I would have before Christmas. He had several packages that were not processed by customs due to the games...

Dec 10th: Tracking still not updated... no news on order. Sent another email to Tim regarding issues

Dec 11th: Tim replied and apologized again for the delay, and agreed to cover shipping on my next order.

Dec 21st: No order yet... and no update via EMS... or Canada Post... Sent another email to express my discontent. I explained that I was having to borrow atty, batt, and e-liquid to get my by due to all of the delays... Tim replied apologizing for delays and said he would start a track on the order to see what was causing delays.

Dec 22nd: No update yet... email to Tim for update

Dec 23rd: Tim replied explaining he had no updates and didn't want to lie to me about it. Apologized again. He explained once shipped, it's literally out of his hands, and would get back to me with an update.

Dec 23rd: I send a firm email expressing my extreme discontent...

Dec 24th: Tim replied apologizing again, and asking me for suggestions to correct the situation. He also explained it can take 2 weeks to get a response from EMS for update...

Dec 30th: I send an email requesting reimbursement for liquids I've borrowed and replacement for battery and atty I've had to get from friends to keep my going. I also requested he re-ship order to ensure I get it.

Jan 4th: No response from Tim... I forward last email to him along with the fact that I am posting here about my issues, to share with others. Tim quickly replies with a sincere apology, and agrees to reimburse me for liquids, batt, and attys. He also agreed to have some Menthol juice sent to me within Canada to get my by until my order gets here. He promised me that if not received within 2 weeks, He would re-ship and has agreed to discount my next order should I buy again.

Now I have to say, I have friends who have order from Greenhouse One in the recent past, and have no complaints. They love his juice, and recommended this vendor. I also have to say that Tim has been nice in every email, even when I wasn't. That means a lot. Will I re-order from Greenhouse One... that remains to be said... Would I recommend this vendor.... we'll see how this all works out... but as of right now.... I'll leave the readers to decide.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 5, 2011
Freddy Beach, NB, Canada
Kabonk, seriously Tim has been great with me, and like I mentioned in my post, my friends have had good experiences, most have recieved thier orders within 10 business days... which is pretty quick considering it's coming from China...

The prices are nearly impossible to beat and his liquids are great, but this delay has left a sour taste in my mouth... I'm sure it's not the e-juice... at least I hope not... LOL

My order is in the 300.00 range... so it's not chump change... that's the only reason I posted...


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2010
I know that a lot of people have good experiences when ordering direct from China, but when I hear stories like this it makes me glad that I don't. There are plenty of stories like these plus stories from people who have their orders held up in Customs. I seriously doubt that I will ever order anything direct from China.


Ultra Member
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Aug 15, 2010
What method did you choose for shipping? The reason I ask is I use EMS Express and my order always arrives in 6-8 days.

Also wondering if it going to Canada is part of the problem. I sent a buddy of mine in BC some RAM chips for his computer via USPS International Priority Mail in took 34 days to clear Canadian Customs. He got the chips, but good grief that's a long time to clear customs. My package to BC might have been an anomaly, but it seems like Nov/Dec for international shipping was HORRIBLE. 26 days from the U.K. and 31 for another package from the U.K. to finally arrive in my mail box. I'm still waiting on one from Romania and another from the U.K.

Anyway, just some thoughts on what could be the problem....hope you get it worked out.


Vaping Master
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Dec 9, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario -CANADA-
Although I've never had any issue with shipping from GH-1 (Tim), in the past, my last order place on Dec 1st to Canada hit a snaffu somewhere down the line. Same situation...... NO shipping updates when tracked. Communications with Tim were always good, and from dealing with him for a few years now I have confidence the issue will be resolved.

I've only had this last one under $100 order for a supply of carto's from Tim go astray so far, so I can only imagine the anxiety that you must be feeling being relatively new here at ECF and of a higher dollar value !! I'm usually back stocked 6 mos for any and all supplies, but ran myself short on carto's giving them away to newbs and friends in need. Even though I have backup atty's, and only dispose of spent carto's (couldn't be bothered with the washing hoopla personally), I sure do miss my carto's now.... sighhh...

In the past, my previous orders take the same time as from the USA.... approx 3 weeks with the odd exception of a couple USA ones making it through a little quicker (gotta luv our custom's weenies, lol), and I'm sure the seasonal postal rush aided in this last snafu.

I'm positive that Tim will make things right in the end, frustrating as it is, as he is a responsible and respected vendor here.

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