Golden greek ggts orders cancelled after 2.5 months ... - wheres my money?

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Full Member
Verified Member
Jul 12, 2012
I am absolutely disgusted with this email I have just received from

I paid £339 for x2 GGTS and a UFS...nearly 2.5 MONTHS later I get this email after requesting an update of my order and strangely they have headed it Tuesday September 9th?? I never received this email before?

"Tuesday September 9th

Dear customers, due to circumstances out of our control, we regret to announce that we will no longer be collaborating with the supplier, Imeo.

Regrettably we now must undertake the process of refunding most outstanding pre-orders to customers. Where we can we will endeavour to contact customers via email to see if we can partially fill existing orders.

We would like to reassure customers that all outstanding pre-orders will be refunded via Paypal, and as quickly as possible. We would kindly ask that you allow up to one week for this as we process the list, we would appreciate your patience.

In the spirit of good customer service we have requested that the final stock order be fulfilled so as to not inconvenience everyone but unfortunately we have not been able to agree on this possibility. We have however been told by Imeo, that all outstanding pre-orders will be handled by the Greek supplier at e-smokeguru .

As we have large stockpiles of parts the store will be open for some time to come. We will have a big stocktake in two weeks, so please keep an eye on the website around this time.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our customers for their support. "
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Super Member
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Jul 10, 2012
I a also waiting for my refund and hoping to get it next week after this was submitted on today.

Friday October 19th

Dear customers, today I have had confirmation from Paypal that pre-orders older than 60 days will be refunded rather than using using the Send Money option.

We have arranged to send an Excel list (Transaction ID) to Paypal on Monday for processing . Apologies for the further delay.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
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Dec 12, 2011
Nah,you didnt lost anything.

He had a thread on UKV I think asking people to be patient as he has a lot of reimbursing to do (loads of pre-orders,now you know why I dont subscribe to that BS pre-order)

Wont hurt to send an inquiry (open a ticket,whichever form of contact they use) and wait for his answer (which wont probably come auto)

Imeo's antics hurt a lot of people but of course,its never his fault.


Full Member
Verified Member
Jul 12, 2012
What a joke, its down to Imeo cancelling the arrangement for to supply.

Nice one Imeo for messing your loyal customers around, for whatever reason it was, could it not have waited until we received what we paid for???

And I certainly aint paying a £25 fee just to send payment to the Greek company's bank to order from the non existent stock!

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