Flavor reviews - DV and FA

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ECF Veteran
Nov 20, 2009
Coconut - large 10ml bottle, Decadent Vapours UK (from Liberty Flights)

One of my favorites. Really coconutty taste and aroma. I add a little peppermint and menthol and occasionally rum, for variation. A fabulous after-dinner vape. No perfume-type aroma at all, which is good. A solid, straightforward flavor that does what it says on the bottle.

Appearance of flavor in bottle: clear, water-like
Aroma from bottle: pleasant, coconutty
Effect on TH: average to light TH
Effect on vapor volume: good vapor
Perfume present: no
Difficulty of removing flavor from atty: average

Cuban - 5ml bottle, FlavorArt Italy (from LF)

The best tobacco flavor I've tried, although I admit I haven't tried that many. A 'high', lighter cigar-type aroma that will be powerful as you need if you add enough - and then you'll get plenty of hit despite it being a 'lighter' type of aroma. Not a deep/heavy tobacco flavor. Pleasant enough for regular use. It would be nice to use this to add a light tobacco note to another flavor, but it is too easily masked by just about anything else.

Appearance of flavor in bottle: very light tan
Aroma from bottle: pleasant, light cigar tone
Effect on TH: strong TH if much flavor is added to the mix
Effect on vapor volume: good vapor
Perfume present: no
Difficulty of removing flavor from atty: low

Turk & USA Blend - 5ml bottle, FA (from LF)

A light/mid tobacco flavor masked by a strong perfume. I can't identify the perfume as I don't know anything about that stuff, being a bloke, but it reminds me of my granny, so I'll call it Granny Floral. Not pleasant (nearly upchuck-inducing for a bloke as it goes) - but women might go for it. Kind of like smoking after spilling a bottle of an old aunt's perfume down your front.

Appearance of flavor in bottle: light tan
Aroma from bottle: granny perfume
Effect on TH: average
Effect on vapor volume: average
Perfume present: yes, strong
Difficulty of removing flavor from atty: hard - about 8 ex 10

Ultimate Camtel - 5ml bottle, FA (from LF)

A light/mid tobacco flavor utterly eclipsed by an intense rose perfume that I found revolting. Like smoking a cig while taking a bath in attar of rose. Men - keep well clear. This is the most vomit-inducing flavor I ever vaped (only about 3 puffs of it though, before I withdrew rapidly in incredulity). Might appeal to women with a bad head cold so they don't get too much of the pong.

Appearance of flavor in bottle: mid tan
Aroma from bottle: strong rose perfume
Effect on TH: average
Effect on vapor volume: average
Perfume present: yes, extremely strong
Difficulty of removing flavor from atty: the worst - 10 ex 10. If that's your only atty at the time, suicide may be an option. The darn stuff has infected much of my gear by osmosis, I'm currently trying paint sprayer's Cellulose Thinners to get rid of it. Battery acid is next on the list. I may have to burn all my kit, disposing of it in landfill may be a criminal offence.

Marshmallow - 10ml, DV (from LF)

A sweet flavor with a little too much perfume for me. Definitely one for the girls. Not unpleasant at all, just too female for me.

Appearance of flavor in bottle: light tan
Aroma from bottle: a bit like a 14-year-old's girly perfume. In a pinch would do spotted on the wrists before going to the junior prom.
Effect on TH: average to low
Effect on vapor volume: average
Perfume present: yes, medium but correct for the flavor
Difficulty of removing flavor from atty: hard, maybe 8 ex 10

Black Forest Gateau - 10ml, DV (from LF)

This is the most female-type flavor I ever tried. Very sweet flavor with a sort of scented layer on top, not the offensive perfume-style of other similar flavors, just 'girly'. Probably a big hit with the ladies. Take some of this when you feel like bingeing on cake, girls, and keep your weight down. Very nice if you have a lot of oestrogen pumping round your veins. It reacts badly with testosterone, tending to induce thoughts of donning a pink lacy bra.

Appearance of flavor in bottle: dark tan
Aroma from bottle: a sort of peppery flowery scent. Probably lovely - if you wear a dress.
Effect on TH: average to low
Effect on vapor volume: average
Perfume present: yes - medium but not offensive as it is in context
Difficulty of removing flavor from atty: hard, 8 ex 10.

Appearance of flavor in bottle: nice to know if it's light or dark, some avoid the dark colors as these most likely have food colorings for baking (eg dark caramel)
Aroma from bottle: useful to know, it's a guide to the flavor, a perfume aroma is definitely to be avoided (IMO)
Effect on TH: some flavors have a big influence on this somehow - Cuban gives a big plus on the TH for example
Effect on vapor volume: some add or detract - Butterscotch for example seems to kill vapor
Perfume present: some flavors have a perfume on top, sometimes offensively strong. I don't want any flavor with any perfume, ever. It ruins the flavor for me. As these perfumes are so difficult to remove, maybe they are only in some flavors because the mixing equipment was contaminated.
Difficulty of removing flavor from atty: very useful to know - most are average but there are some real pigs out there
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