First DIY Attempt

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Dec 8, 2012
And I'm absolutely loving it so far. The flavor is marvelous, much better than regular cigarrettes or those sad little dittys you can get from convenience stores. I just got my juice supplies today, and have spent most of the day messing with different mixes.

Having said that, I seem to be getting a very dry, scratchy feeling in my throat. I've been using a DIY calculator and measuring everything exactly. This is what I've mostly been using:

Nic: 18 mg (from 60 mg nicotine usa vg/pg)
PG: 50%
VG: 50%
Flavoring: 10%
Ethyl Malto: I just eyeballed it because I wasn't sure exactly how much to use. I didn't use much at all, not even 5%, I don't think.

What could be causing the dry, scratchy feeling in my throat? It can't be from too much vaping because I haven't vaped any more than I smoked. As a matter of fact, I've vaped -far- less than I smoked. I've been drinking plenty of fluids. Is 18 mg too much to use? I thought that that would be close to what a normal cigarrette has.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 16, 2012
How long have you been vaping so far? It can take a few days for your throat to adjust. VG/PG dries you out. Drink lots of water!
Glad to hear you're enjoying the DIYing. It's become a real obsession for me. I currently have over 100 flavors that I use for myself and many friends. :)

Also, typically the nicotine won't hit you like it did with cigarettes. Too strong will possibly give you headaches, nausea, dizzyness, etc.

EM is an interesting sweetner. I find that *very* small amounts can shift the taste quite a lot. It will take the edge off of a bitter tasting flavor and mute it quite a lot. I rarely use more than 2% when mixing with many flavors as it can completely erase certain flavors if too much is used. Now, this is subjective to individual taste I'm sure... :)
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DJ RyckRak

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 12, 2013
Somewhere in New England
Jazzy is right on the mark here....
Vape drys out your throat...the PG is hygroscopic (it attracts water).
Also, you get the nic into your system from your nose and throat...not from the deep lung blood vessels like smoking.
I will also speculate that you are vaping 'like a fool' !:vapor:

I know I did- once...........(ok....I lied, many many times):facepalm:

Just finished a batch of my 'Strawberry Cotton Candy''s steeping. I use 10% strawberry and 1-2 drops EM/ml to sweeten it.
As jazzy said- too much can wash out the base flavor.

Am very happy that you have got on the DIY Vaper Train...I believe we are going to have a wonderful trip !
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Senior Member
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Jan 16, 2013
When I started vaping (week ago) I found myself with a very dry and uncomfortable mouth because of it.

I went to walgreens and purchased a product called Oasis Moisturizing Mouthwash for dry mouth and a portable spray pump mouth spray. It works wonderfully and am having to drink a lot less water when vaping. I drink enough as it is.



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ECF Veteran
Apr 21, 2009
Springfield, VA

Your scratchy throat problem might be in the nic base.

Try to vape your desired strength mix without adding any flavoring (unflavored), water, EM and see if it still "scratchy".

Also you can try to vape just a mix of VG/PG.
And then VG/PG + flavoring.
And so on.....

I think at this point you got an idea of elimination.
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