Fat Daddy 510 bottom feed

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Just some guy...
ECF Veteran
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Sep 25, 2011
The Republic of Cascadia
I looked around a bit on this but I'm a little lazy :facepalm:...anyone use one of the Fatdaddy 510's to bottom feed?...I got a couple and a quick look tells me I can complete the hole drilled in the pos. pin and solder a tube but does it leak because of the spring mechanism?

Anyone with any experience on this would be appreciated...

dr g

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ECF Veteran
Mar 12, 2012
I looked around a bit on this but I'm a little lazy :facepalm:...anyone use one of the Fatdaddy 510's to bottom feed?...I got a couple and a quick look tells me I can complete the hole drilled in the pos. pin and solder a tube but does it leak because of the spring mechanism?

Anyone with any experience on this would be appreciated...

There is no reason I can think of the spring would cause it to leak. The FD has an oring seal that would prevent leaking. So you would need to extend the center pin down a little bit and solder the pos to the outside of that extension.


Just some guy...
ECF Veteran
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Sep 25, 2011
The Republic of Cascadia
So I drilled out the center pin (more like completed the wire hole already there)...I then dug through my crap box and found one of those needles used to pump up footballs/soccer balls...I got lucky and it "just" slid in so I soldered it up and trimmed it for length...

I put it all together, screwed on an rda, attached a bottle/tube and did a test squonk...and it leaked all over the place. But, the culprit seems to be the o ring, I changed it out with a larger silicon washer I had from my RSST days and it works great.

I think the issue may be if you have an rda with a shortish 510 that doesn't force the center pin down far enough, the stock o ring doesn't make the seal between the pin and the brass base the pin slides through (I don't know how else to describe it, if you have one you'll know what I'm saying)


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jan 17, 2011
brooklyn ny
I've been screwing around trying to make an ideal spring loaded or adjustable bf 510 that doesn't leak and it's a lot trickier than it sounds while keeping it compact. so far I've been having best results using an o ring as a cushion type spring to keep it adjustable somewhat, kinda like the stock reo does with it's 510 packing but I have a few ideas I want to try next. ideally it can go from the shallowest to the deepest 510's out there and not leak at either extreme and not sacrifice good conductivity either




Just some guy...
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 25, 2011
The Republic of Cascadia
Same...my journey went from getting tired of messing with the MV el crappo "large hole" connectors :facepalm:, then I bought a 7mm x .5 tap and played with some fringe ideas (with mixed sucess) then as the RDA "clone wars" started and you could drill holes in them and not feel bad I realized that I don't swap RDA's once I get a good set-up so I just said screw it and started making custom RDA center pins and hybriding them to mods (negating the 510 altogether which ultimately works the best if that's your gig and you can make mods to go along with them)...but now that I got the FD 510 to bf with no leaks...hell, for $5...I've spent $5 on stupider things :p


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Aug 2, 2012
Okay so you guys got me thinking about it leaking into the spring part. So I just did a water test and it does :mad:. I'm wondering If I put another small O ring in the 510 would that seal it from going in to the spring when an atty is screwed on. Or do you think that would impede the spring from doing its job? What do you think.


Just some guy...
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 25, 2011
The Republic of Cascadia
trouble with the stock ones they are brass aren't they ? ss would surely be better for a BF.

An extra O-ring would do the job but on the top part of the center pin, it would have to tight enough to seal but not so tight the spring didn't work to push the pin up.

I took out the stock o ring and put in this silicon "washer" type o ring I had in my crap box (no idea what I got them for originally) zero leaks.

As far as it being brass, meh, doesn't really bother me... just give it the vinegar/hydrogen peroxide bath for 5 mins. Plus if it was SS, even with the Ruby flux, getting it hot enough to take solder without melting your seal (which has to be installed first) would be next to impossible.
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