ECF Makes the News on ACSH

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CASAA Activist
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ECF Veteran
The American Council on Science and Health (ACSH) has a section on its web site with news briefs on health issues. I signed up for notifications and this title caught my eye: "One woman's e-cigarette story". So I checked it out
One woman’s e-cigarette story > Facts & Fears > ACSH

Imagine my surprise when the link to the full story led right back here to ECF!

Does anyone know anything about the company mentioned at the end of the ACSH news brief? There is a photo of their poster.

You may remember that last July after the FDA issued their Propaganda, the ACSH Executive Director, Dr. Elizabeth Whelan published a scathing critique of the FDA's announcement in the Washington Times. Good reading if you missed it: FDA smoke screen on e-cigarettes - Washington Times


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 22, 2010
Nice find. I would have recognized the post snippets even if you hadn't mentioned that it came from here. I think Glowgirl had half the forum in tears the day she posted that, it's such a powerful story that rang bells with so many people.

I did a search and found a couple of threads here mentioning Cloud9's ejuice going all the way back to the end of 08. The juice itself has gotten decent reviews although branded a bit expensive. I didn't find much on the hardware but that's probably par for course since it's not one of the more popular models.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 18, 2010
cedar rapids, iowa
Thanks Elaine for re-posting the link to that incredible personal story, I really needed to read it again. In my profession I have heard probably thousands of stories like this one and the gut level honesty and humility never cease to bring tears to my eyes and hope to my heart, having been there myself and through Grace and the tenacious love and support of truly caring others, found a way out.


Full Member
May 14, 2010
San Antonio, TX
Here's another one from the ACSH:

FDA's Drug and E-Cigarette Warnings Counterproductive (from The Hill) > Health Issues > ACSH

"Similarly, this summer, the FDA warned about the safety of e-cigarettes, a product many smokers are using to quit smoking real cigarettes. E-cigarettes are devices that supply users with vaporized nicotine and look like cigarettes, many even having an LED light at the tip. These products, which contain no tobacco and are non-combustible, eliminate virtually all the risks of smoking. For the vast majority of smokers unable to quit even with the help of drugs and counseling, e-cigarettes could be a lifesaver."

"The FDA, newly armed with regulatory power over tobacco, will make it harder for people to quit smoking cigarettes by warning them away from disfavored alternatives."


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 8, 2010
"The FDA, newly armed with regulatory power over tobacco, will make it harder for people to quit smoking cigarettes by warning them away from disfavored alternatives."

To be completely honest, that should read "by warning them away from disfavored alternatives which don't bring in taxes or make any money for big business"

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