Dr. Polosa speaks out against Tobacco Control's (bad) attitude toward e-cigarettes

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First, read the editorial in the "scientific" journal, tobacco Control:

Hold the line against tobacco | BMJ


The industry claims that e-cigarettes are all about harm minimisation. But it is developing and promoting products for first time users and encouraging long term use among existing smokers. E-cigarettes also legitimise the industry, buying tobacco companies a seat as “partners” at the health policy table.

With figures from the World Health Organization showing an increase in the number of young smokers, now is the time to tighten tobacco controls. The authors conclude that e-cigarettes should be regulated not as medicines but as tobacco products, and that the tobacco industry should be excluded from the policy making arena. And, I would add, from the funding of medical research, since this is another way in which industry seeks to legitimise itself.

Pretty Nasty, eh?

Here is Dr. Polosa's response:

Re: Hold the line against tobacco | BMJ

Although I might certainly understand why some established anti-tobacco experts may not wish to jump on the electronic cigarette bandwagon, I am quite puzzled by the decision of the Editor of a prestigious medical journal to restrict any healthy scientific debate on these products.

The message that in order to tighten tobacco control it would be better to regulate e-cigarettes as tobacco products it is irresponsible and indicates poor understanding of the public health potential of these products.

As a matter of fact, e-cigarettes may assist – rather than jeopardize – tobacco control policies. Here I offer just an example. Despite (some) anti-tobacco authorities concern that the escalating popularity of e-cigarettes will lead to an increase in youth smoking, recent data from the University of Michigan (the Monitoring the Future survey) show that youth smoking rates have reached a record low in 2013. The results from the Monitoring the Future survey cast serious doubt on the hypothesis that e-cigarettes are promoting an alarming increase in youth smoking and, on the contrary, suggest that some youths who might have initiated tobacco smoking would have instead switched to e-cigarettes. Hence, by reducing cigarette consumption, these products are playing an valuable role in tobacco control.

It is time that tobacco control policy decisions are guided by science rather than politics or ideologies.


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Nov 29, 2012
New Jersey
I think we have a lot of people om our side. Unfortunately, they aren't the ones voting on laws.
LOL true, though over time its gotta help. Even the FOX story posted in another thread recently, Once we get more vaping journalists and anchors, we have a better shot of positive press. sway public opinion to the point it cant be ignored. Everyone has a smoking relative they care about. I just hope we get our due before its too late!!

Sorry to get off topic!


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Jun 25, 2013
BC Canada
"The results from the Monitoring the Future survey cast serious doubt on the hypothesis that e-cigarettes are promoting an alarming increase in youth smoking and, on the contrary, suggest that some youths who might have initiated tobacco smoking would have instead switched to e-cigarettes."

I particularly like his reference to "the hypothesis". It is a tactful yet very clear message that many of the issues put forward by ANTZ as fact, are indeed just hypothesis and not supported by sound scientific investigation.
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