DIY E-juice sans Nic (EASY!)

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Aug 26, 2014
Fine City
For all you ex-menthol smokers out there, just wanna share a recipe really easy to do on your own. On the plus side, the throat hit (what nic supposed to give) is pretty good! The kick that menthol in a cigarette gives is something important to emulate when switching to vaping for me.

My easy recipe hopes to replicate that without nicotine.

Raw materials
Menthol Crystals
VG (Vegetable Glycerin)
PG(Propylene Glycol)
Earl Grey Tea leaves (any tea bags/leaves is fine)

Step 1 : Prep Menthol Crystals
1) Crush them as much as you can (makes it easier to dissolve later)
2) Place crystals 1/3 full in a small 15ml bottle (the morale of the story is 1/3 full)
3) Pour PG into bottle of crystals until almost full (2/3), leave enough room to shake later.
4) Prepare a hot bowl of water
5) Place bottle in it for 10-20sec, remove and shake bottle until all crystals are dissolved. Repeat step if not all crystals are dissolved. The solution should be clear.

Step 2: Flavour extraction from Tea leaves
1) 15ml of PG into a glass
2) Place tea leaves/bag into the glass (I put 1 tablespoon of tea leaves)
3) Prepare a hot bowl of water
4) Place glass in it for 20min, longer if you like the flavour to be stronger.
5) Use a syringe to extract the resultant liquid into a small bottle. Take care not to extract the tea leaves.

Step 3: Mixing
1) Prepare a small dish
2) Pour about 3ml VG (50%)
3) Pour 3ml of your tea extract (50%)
4) Drop about 4 menthol drops per 2ml. This is only an estimation, you can start with 2 drops per 2ml and increase according to taste.
5) Place the dish in a hot bowl of water and mix with a spatula. I'll do it for about 20-30s. You should be able to smell the menthol.
6) Extract the finish e-juice into a small bottle for storage and usage.

Hope it helps. =) VG/PG blend is not fixed, you can play around. PG brings more flavour and VG more vapour.
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