Disposable E Cigarettes for a Bar Owner

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 19, 2010
The loaner battery with cartomizers is the way to go. We've already got a "trial run" working at a local bar.. and it is doing well.

The batteries are proudly emblazoned with the name of the bar (good ink, pretty hard to get off). To get a charged battery you either leave $20, a CC, or your drivers' license. Cartos are going for $3 a pop.

So far, this system works well.

I worked at a neighborhood bar for years so i knew this would work. this kind of thing would work very well in those types. the club scene dance bar would be harder to manage but still do-able.

at 3 bux a pop for cartomizers its a money maker. specially if you fill your own...

man... this gave me an idea... the bar i use to work at is in Michigan.. the owner if a close friend of mine..... i can help him out with this.. 90% of his regulars smoke including the bartenders....i see a money making opportunity here lol...no gouging though dont worry...:lol:


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 7, 2009
NW Ohio
Yeah I was kinda looking at it in the cheapest easiest route of things...that's what made me think of the buy the carto and rent/loan the battery thing..and I was totally thinking of the pool hall analogy or those trivia network things that some bars used to have...
Let's face it, while I myself prefer the 510 models..even with the disposeables you're going to have dripping issues, charging issues, etc..not to mention that the flavor and strength options on the disposeables is limited...and it's still $10
with cartomizers...one is about the equivalent to 1/2 a pack and you just screw it on and forget about it and since you can get a pack of 5 for $7-10 you can charge as little as $3 for a carto which will more than cover what most are going to go through in the average time spent in a bar...and you can offer more variety as far as nic strength and flavor...and if you're willing to buy in bulk from china batteries from one place for example are $9 apiece (20 or more gets you 10% off) ..and you can take those somewhere and get them laser etched/engraved with your bar's name.. bottom line..cheaper it is the more people you're going to have willing to give it a shot...


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 18, 2009
Okauchee Lake, WI

At your test site, are people starting to buy/bring their own gear yet?

Yes they are. But even the ones that are bringing their own batteries are still buying some cartos. Mostly because "I always wanted to try that flavor and didn't want to buy a whole box of 5...".

For the most part, folks who started with 2-piece systems are sticking with 2-piece systems.


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
Dude, this is just such a great idea in so many ways...

I agree with the idea to sell the cartomizers and rent/sell the batteries.
Of course you'll need a deposit or a driver's license.

And yeah, definitely hook up a multi-battery charger or two.

Your business should GREATLY benefit from this endeavour, especially after the ban.
And you can even make a bit of extra money on the cartomizers.

And turning people on to vaping is the biggest plus of all.
And they have the freedom to try many new flavors at $3 a pop.

It's perfect!!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 12, 2010
Cincinnati OH
If I owned an establishment/bar,,,, and was the bartender,,,,I would be vaping at the bar itself while doing up everyone's orders...This wouldn't cost me anything, except health and awareness....Maybe even have a couple of 4 by 5 cards with information....
Who knows,,,,it might help people who really need to quit analogs...As I did...And also help the overall "atmosphere" of the place...


Full Member
Mar 1, 2010
Thanks so much for all of those who shared their thoughts - I have spent some time reading posts throughout this community and I am very impressed with the sheer number of people committed to the success of these electronic cigarettes.

Based on what I have heard - I think that I will order a disposable 510 and also a KR8 battery with some assorted flavors. I am leaning towards the cartomizer KR8 if for no other reason than the simplicity. I would assume the the majority of those who purchase these will do so only for a quick fix while at the bar (as, under my current law, they will not even be able to step outside and smoke) - and not as a permanent replacement (although for those who are curious, I would certainly direct them here :) )

Also, the rental plan for the batteries is a great idea, and as far as I can see with prices, essential. Keeping costs down is key.

Ordering a disposable 510 seems simple enough. I do have a few questions regarding the kr808d-1 however.

Regarding batteries: I would prefer that each "kit" would last roughly the equivalent of a pack of cigarettes or so without any recharge. I also would prefer automatic batteries. I see that there are two different batteries, 280mah and 380mah (and maybe more for all I know). Would either of these batteries be sufficient on one charge?

Regarding cartomizers: How long does a standard prefilled cartomizer last (roughly equated to traditional cigarettes). Would it be better to fill my own blanks? (Reading through the forums, this seems doable). Where is a good place to shop (at least for the purpose of obtaining a few samples so I can test them).

And one more question (and maybe its not good to ask considering the differing opinions), but would the kr808d-1 with the right cartomizer/liquid produce a similar experience to smoking in terms of vapor production and taste?

Once again, thanks for all the help. I now feel positive that I can get this off the ground in a way that is fun and affordable for my customers.

(For the one who asked, I am from Michigan. Yes, its true, it appears that people can't step out the door and smoke anywhere near the building - welcome to the nanny state)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 14, 2010
(For the one who asked, I am from Michigan. Yes, its true, it appears that people can't step out the door and smoke anywhere near the building - welcome to the nanny state)

What bar are we talking about?

AFAIK, or at least in Fraser, you can walk out on the patio and smoke. It has something to do with not serving out on the patio.


Full Member
Feb 13, 2010
Great Idea! The 510 disposable will last long enough to get people started vaping.
You would absolutely need extra kits and batteries and carts. (or juice)
Might get kind of complicated. You might have to have a 'vaping Hostess".
This idea has a historical precedent.
Taverns used to keep "tavern pipes" on hand. Very long stemmed clay pipes that
the patron could snap the end off for a 'fresh mouthpiece". Almost two feet long
when new and just became shorter and shorter until disposed of.
The Dap



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 7, 2009
NW Ohio
Thanks so much for all of those who shared their thoughts - I have spent some time reading posts throughout this community and I am very impressed with the sheer number of people committed to the success of these electronic cigarettes.

Based on what I have heard - I think that I will order a disposable 510 and also a KR8 battery with some assorted flavors. I am leaning towards the cartomizer KR8 if for no other reason than the simplicity. I would assume the the majority of those who purchase these will do so only for a quick fix while at the bar (as, under my current law, they will not even be able to step outside and smoke) - and not as a permanent replacement (although for those who are curious, I would certainly direct them here :) )

Also, the rental plan for the batteries is a great idea, and as far as I can see with prices, essential. Keeping costs down is key.

Ordering a disposable 510 seems simple enough. I do have a few questions regarding the kr808d-1 however.

Regarding batteries: I would prefer that each "kit" would last roughly the equivalent of a pack of cigarettes or so without any recharge. I also would prefer automatic batteries. I see that there are two different batteries, 280mah and 380mah (and maybe more for all I know). Would either of these batteries be sufficient on one charge?

simple answer 510 battery is 180mAh on a standard model and lasted me 1-2 hours...and is about the length of a 100 length cig..KR8 with cartomizer is slightly longer and standard battery 280 mAh lasts me at least twice as long so round 4 hours..the 380 is longer and lasts me maybe 6 but I use it infrequently due to it's length..

Regarding cartomizers: How long does a standard prefilled cartomizer last (roughly equated to traditional cigarettes). Would it be better to fill my own blanks? (Reading through the forums, this seems doable). Where is a good place to shop (at least for the purpose of obtaining a few samples so I can test them).
prefilled Cartomizers are probably equivalent to 1/2 a pack of cigs realisticly..if you're not abusing them and watching for signs of refill..so if they're tossing it maybe a bit more since they can abuse it and not worry about whether it's refillable..

While filling your own blanks is doable...in a setting like this I'd probably just go with prefilled...some prefills come foil pack sealed which might give some customers a better sense of mind about it..also often the blanks are the same price as prefilled so there'd not really be any inherant cost savings..

And one more question (and maybe its not good to ask considering the differing opinions), but would the kr808d-1 with the right cartomizer/liquid produce a similar experience to smoking in terms of vapor production and taste?
Yeah that's totally an opinion thing..and totally depends on the cartomizer itself and the juice in it..there were the standard KR8 cartomizers and the vapor production was "meh" in my opinion..now theres premium cartomizers which has better vapor production...and I guess soon to be at least one other cartomizer that is even better

without going into a super long explaination what they've done is lowered the resistance in the cartomizer which produces more wattage (heat) which puts out more vapor in these newer ones...
*look up the vapornine subforum and look at the thread/video on new cartomizer design*

Taste..well that depends on the liquid really and what you choose...but gods there's something like 100 flavors of cartos from one company now plus more at others...I at least think the flavor is not as similar but much better than a regular cig..

Once again, thanks for all the help. I now feel positive that I can get this off the ground in a way that is fun and affordable for my customers.

(For the one who asked, I am from Michigan. Yes, its true, it appears that people can't step out the door and smoke anywhere near the building - welcome to the nanny state)
You should mention what part of Michigan....looks like there's several people on here from Michigan.. if they're in your neck of the woods who knows they might stop in the bar for a vape and to show you their gear..let you check out a 510 and/or a KR808 before you order anything..
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 14, 2010
You should mention what part of Michigan....looks like there's several people on here from Michigan.. if they're in your neck of the woods who knows they might stop in the bar for a vape and to show you their gear..let you check out a 510 and/or a KR808 before you order anything..

Absolutely. We love field trips. Besides, I'd like to know all the soon-to-be vape-friendly bars in the area. (Macomb County)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 7, 2009
NW Ohio
Absolutely. We love field trips. Besides, I'd like to know all the soon-to-be vape-friendly bars in the area. (Macomb County)
Well technically I'm in Ohio...but right on the OH/MI border and my union local includes monroe, hillsdale, and lenawee countys..have family (that I just converted to vaing at christmas) just outside lansing...and the wifes grandfather is way up there..almost in the UP, and a bunch of friends in the detroit area....so I spend a significant amount of time in MI myself as well..


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 14, 2010
Well technically I'm in Ohio...but right on the OH/MI border and my union local includes monroe, hillsdale, and lenawee countys..have family (that I just converted to vaing at christmas) just outside lansing...and the wifes grandfather is way up there..almost in the UP, and a bunch of friends in the detroit area....so I spend a significant amount of time in MI myself as well..

Not a bad drive, except for the UP.... I spent 1.5 years driving back and forth to Toledo. Driving it every day sucks, but once in awhile is ok.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Nov 16, 2009
you might get a few sales of the disposable.. i think that the 510 would be better option in the long run just take ID until returned or cost of item + shipping is payed.. it is a lot easier to get ppl to try something new for 3$ than 10$

you can also turn the place into a private club and sell memberships for cheap and it gets by the ban..
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