Clearomizers and acne...

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Full Member
Feb 16, 2012
Mobile, AL
I have also had acne a lot lately, but it's not normal acne. Those buggers are sore. I get them around my nose I've had 2 in my ear (those suck balls), and I get quite a few on the back of my head underneath my hair. Those are also pretty painful. They do seem to be clearing up now though. I've only got one close to my mouth. I also switched my soap to Ivory as there are no perfumes or artificial ingredients in it. That seemed to be the most beneficial to me.

I know exactly what you are talking about as I have one on the side of my nose now that is brutal. Haha never had one in the ear yet, thank goodness. I noticed I did have some on my scalp when I was using pg juice but I believe those have cleared up.

And you are right that it doesn't seem like normal acne. I had one on my chin for 9 months that would break open every so often in the shower and would never completely heal. I finally went to the dermatologist to get it drained and now the pimple itself is gone but I have a red mark that hasn't cleared up yet. Seems like every other pimple I get doesn't clear up completely and I'm left with a blemish that doesn't seem to get better.

Thanks on the soap suggestion, I'll have to look into that.


Vaping Master
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Dec 11, 2013
Phoenix, AZ
Regarding the vg/pg ratio, I have switched to 100% vg and the only difference I have noticed is that I don't get canker sores near as often as I did with pg. Thanks for the exfoliating suggestion as well.

I had really bad canker sores as a kid and the only remedy that helped was glycerin back then. Mind you I was a kid and I don't know what kind of glycerin it was but it helped. That maybe why yours are better.


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Apr 23, 2011
Boston MA
I got some fairly bad acne when I quit both times. I think it had something to do with quitting and missing something that is in the terbaccy. :)

That's true. It's common enough it earned it's own moniker - the quit zits.

But if it's a chronic, ongoing thing (months after quitting) you have to start looking at what's in your liquids. I know one person who was baffled by her sudden outbreak of acne when quitting - that still hadn't gone away a year later. The light bulb went off, she dropped PG out of her liquids, the acne breakout stopped and never returned.

If this is a recent thing for the OP in context of quitting smoking you may have to just vape through it. But if it doesn't go away months after quitting you may be having an adverse reaction to something in your liquids.


Full Member
Feb 16, 2012
Mobile, AL
That's true. It's common enough it earned it's own moniker - the quit zits.

But if it's a chronic, ongoing thing (months after quitting) you have to start looking at what's in your liquids. I know one person who was baffled by her sudden outbreak of acne when quitting - that still hadn't gone away a year later. The light bulb went off, she dropped PG out of her liquids, the acne breakout stopped and never returned.

If this is a recent thing for the OP in context of quitting smoking you may have to just vape through it. But if it doesn't go away months after quitting you may be having an adverse reaction to something in your liquids.

Yeah, you're right on. It has been a year and a half since I had an analog. My first step in finding a solution to my problem was switching to 100% vg juice. I have been mixing my own juice lately so I started using 100% vg base/nicotine and began looking for flavors that were pg free. TFA had a few so I tried them with no luck. Recently I went to an alcohol concentrate flavor but nothing has changed.
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