Cheapest website for Lavatube or Lavtube rebrand

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Dec 2, 2010
Mesa, Arizona...USA
I'm not sure about that... isn't their price like $50 something british pounds? I might be remembering wrong, but if I'm not... That's way over $49. But they do have awesome add ons and stuff.

BTW, wanted to tell you guys worried about warranty... I ended up ordering a Vision Tox vv (super similar to LT same sort of internal workings, but its got both 18500 tubes and 18350 tubes and batts...18650 will be a $10 add on, then you'd have all 3 sizes... and has an oled screen, instead of led.. Anyway, just some cosmetic changes. But when I was hunting there was nowhere that had warranty over 6 mos, and that price was $20 higher. So someone told me about the 'squaretrade' warranty, you can buy from 3rd party. Just to give you an idea, for 3 yr warranty (covers anything but misuse, theft, or loss) on a $69 product in misc electronics, its $11. For an extra $6, it'll cover all accidents (if you drop it and back over it with your car). Anyway, those of you now sitting on mod with limited warranty, its an awesome option. Can buy one for anything electronic, but have to buy within 90days of your purchase (30 days on ebay stuff, craigs list and personal buyers they don't cover). Anyway, wanted to drop that here, since we were talking about lowest price in comparison to lowest price with a decent warranty. I was thrilled, now my new tox will work for 3 years, or I'll get the money back to put on something else. ;) All those little details are things I got from asking the rep, so verify before you buy. ;)


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Dec 2, 2010
Mesa, Arizona...USA
Knivesout, I can't speak for Tumbleweed, but most people vaping a vv device change those things quite a bit. For instance, I vape a few combinations regularly, and each different resistance carto tastes best to me at a different voltage. Add in different flavors of juice (which taste best at different voltages, depending on the carto) and it all becomes rather complex. Normally with my vv I vape a 1.7ohm single coil resurrector at about 4v, a 2.0 ohm Low res boge at about eh, say 4-4.5v, and a 3.0 ohm standard res boge at closer to 5. And lots of us change those around often, depending on what we're in the mood for. So it might be hard to determine exactly how long a battery would last at each configuration, because we're switching a bunch mid battery cycle.

But typically, the higher the voltage, the faster you burn thru your battery. ;) I know that's simplistic, but its hard to pin it down. You might be able to find someone on a lava tube that almost always vaped the same thing, same voltage, same carto... but then you have to add in figures like how old is the battery.

I will tell you that Phil Busardo did a fabulous review of Lava tube.. VERY in depth, and went into some serious testing and graphing to explain how it worked. You can see his lavatube review at, or go to youtube and do a search for 'PBusardo, lava tube'. I KNOW he said exactly how long his mini lasted on a charge, as well as the regular, but I just don't remember offhand. I want to say he said the mini lasted 7 hours, and the reg lasted 10 hours... but don't quote me on that.
edit... I don't want to make the lava tube sound more complicated than it is. I'd even recommend it as a starting device, for someone willing to do a little more research, and its a great way to vape vv. If you're a beginner, the safest thing to do is get yourself some solid, consistent 3.0 ohm cartos or attys, and find a voltage you like. I really like the boges at 3.0, plus they're really inexpensive. But most of us who've been vaping for a while like our different favorites at different times. I hope that makes sense and didn't confuse you further. ;P
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Feb 27, 2012
Thanks orachel, I guess I was wondering what the average amperage txtumbleweed was talking about, but that 7 hours quoted really depends on use also I would imagine. I've just got an e-power right now, and have been researching VV mods a lot lately, actually watched just about all of that pbusardo review a couple days ago and that really helped me understand how the LT limits voltage to stay at 2.5A or under.

I've been wanting to pull the trigger on the LT, but it just seems a little big for using on the go. The mini looks good, but I don't know if I want to compromise that much battery life, since the space saved by the mini would probably be negated by the necessity to carry around another battery. The new tox/howitzer/whatever mod with the OLED screen that comes with both batteries and tubes looks perfect, but from what I've been reading, there have been multiple issues with them. It's looking like I'll just wait for a bit to see how things pan out with the new (tox varitube) mods and go from there..


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Dec 2, 2010
Mesa, Arizona...USA
Yep, the tox (based on tech specs) really answers the battery life or size question, since you have both options. Sounds like you came to the same conclusion I did, after both of us did our research. And seriously... I'm not a very tech spec-ie kind of a girl, but that PBusardo review really connected some dots for me. And as for the Tox, the improved size options and screen... plus the fact that it revs up from 0v - requested volts very quickly, rather than instantaneously like Lava Tube, is sure why I ordered one over lava tube. As for the Tox problems, I can pretty much say for certain just from following all the tox threads closely and chatting with vendors that this is a limited time problem, affecting only SOME of the units, not all. Had I not ordered already, I probably wouldn't at this very second, just till they're sure all the bad ones have been weeded out of the bunch, but I'll bet in a few weeks or a month when they get the voltage programming issues resolved and the corrected heads are available, its gonna be a pretty useful and multi purpose mod for the price. So if you have the ability to wait... I don't think you'll do better in a VV tube mod for the money. Esp if you back it up with a longer term warranty, just to protect yourself.

Now the rest of stuff might be old hat for you, since you've been hunting for best vv for yourself as well, but here's what I figured out, in general about vv options. If anyone else has an option I HAVEN'T thought of, I'd love to know, since my options are still a little up in the air.

The thing about VV is it just got a lot more complicated. Even a few mos ago, if you wanted VV and you didn't want to spend in the $130-$230 price range, you pretty much had one option. An inexpensive VV box mod. Now, if you don't want a box as your permanent vv mod for some reason (my hands are just too small... its really an odd fit for me), the only two vv tube mod options, under say the $130 price point, including batteries and charger, are the Lava Tube by any name, and the new GS-SUB / Vision Tox / Howitzer.

However, if you're really broke or don't mind a box, there are some AMAZINGLY versatile and remarkably low priced vv box mods out there. They're little boxy powerhouses, really. They don't look shabby, and my friend Rickajho has been doing mad research on all the vv box mod options, so if you're willing to consider that, great options are out there. I could be wrong, but I think the one he settled was called a Vari-Cool after serious research and comparison shopping, with a price range in the mid $50s. Another thing to consider, esp if you vape with a lot of low resistance attys/cartos, or use a lot of dc cartos, is that (to my knowledge.. I'm by no means an authority) most of the box mods don't have such a low amperage restriction like the Lava Tube and Tox. If I want to vape a 1.7ohm carto at 6v, my box gives me an actual 6v in other words, right up until I fry my carto/atty. Plus, if you're the slightest bit handy, you can buy the bits and build one yourself for under about $30, I believe. There's some premade ones that aren't much pricier than that, as well.

If you have just a little more money to invest, both the Infinity Pro and the Buzz Pro are excellent vv mods. There have been some issues I've heard of with people having to send them in for repairs, but from my research, owner of both are very happy, and they definitely have a gorgeous 'high end' look about them. I think they're much nicer looking than any of the cheaper options, lets say that.

Now for me, were I not financially challenged, lol, I'd buy a Provari in 2 seconds. Not only is it a pretty darn well un-paralled device, but I just found out they have a $20 upgrade program. So if you buy a Provari now, and want to upgrade to a higher model in the future, it costs a whopping $20 to do so. That's pretty amazing to me, and I can't believe more people don't talk about that feature. I'm not 100% certain on the details, but I got that info from a happy intelligent Provari owner, so guessing he knows what he's talking about. That means, you might spend an extra... um, say $80-100 now (w batts/charger/cap extender), but you'll have the best. And even better, its the last pricey mod you'll ever have to buy. Kinda cool. I'd certainly invest in one, had I the funds. And I've never once heard of a Provari owner who regretted the investment, which says a lot. Plus, with the cap extender option, I think its the only other VV that has the switchable battery size option, other than the less expensive (and less quality) Tox. I'm not 100% certain the others don't allow you to switch size, but I know both the Tox and the Provari do (though in different ways).

I think Darwin's are even cooler and more techie featured than Provari, actually, but I think Provari is a hyper simplified 1 button interface, whereas Darwin has a ridiculous number of things you can change and adjust. I don't know the details, but just reading the description is pretty snazzy (and more than a little complicated). They're even pricier, I believe, than Provari, now, though, aren't they?

Oh... just realized, I forgot a new option, which is a fixed voltage device with the new KICK internal controller.. I think that's how that works, but turns fixed into vv, if I read the description properly. That's brand new as well, though. Haven't seen a ton of reviews, yet. I know people have been looking forward to their release for months, now, so it might be a relatively inexpensive way to turn the fixed v mod you love into a vv option. Of course that's all assuming that I got the general gist of how the thing works. Its really cool... just a little internal switch that you stick in the battery tube, and i believe its got a little wheel that adjusts your voltage. I'm rather curious as to how well they're functioning, if anyone has any opinions on these. That's probably the thing I researched the least, just cause I'm seriously techie challenged, so anything involving messing around with the batteries is something I avoid. ;)

Am I missing anything? Any I haven't thought of? I was all settled on the Tox, and loved it (and mine may well show up and be perfect and thrill me), but now I might be in buy mode again. Any other VVs out there?
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Feb 27, 2012
Wow, lots of really good points you brought up and I can tell you've certainly done your research! Everything about the tox/howitzer/GS-SUB looks great to me, I'd just love to be able to have the assurance of some other people's good experiences with it, and maybe see some more testing like what pbusardo showed with the LT review.

I haven't actually looked into the box mods too much, but that might be something to look into as well. Although I've never used one, I'd just think that they wouldn't be quite as comfortable in hand as say a LT or Provari. And for me at least, there's a lot more that I look at than just the pure tech specs of a device, I guess I just would like to have a mod I'd get excited about using and love to use. That aspect of it seems like something that makes staying off cigarettes a bit easier, for me personally at least.

Those are some good points about the Provari too, I heard about the $20 upgrade deal too, that is just fantastic. It does seem like an extremely well made device that the company really stands behind. Although I also gotta think the company's profit margin on a device like that is probably Apple-like (very high).. I don't know, it looks like a great mod, just maybe not the greatest deal. It's not that it's totally out of reach price wise, I just like to feel as though I'm getting a good deal, and the Provari doesn't so much give me that feeling. For all I know, their profit margins might not be that high, and it does look very well made so I don't know, I definitely could research it more.

I probably could just make due with what I've got as well, but being excited about a PV and pleased with it's performance definitely seems like it would make fully transitioning from cigs easier. But I haven't had an analog in about a week, so it's gotta be working a little bit!


Vaping Master
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Dec 2, 2010
Mesa, Arizona...USA
Oh wow! Congratulations!!! Yeah, I had no idea you were a newish vaper.. or maybe been doing it a while w cigs, but honestly... I think a HUGE chunk of people here would tell you that the first week is by far the killer. You're past that hurdle, and that is seriously an amazing feat (especially considering they do everything but add crank to the mix to make sure we're hooked on cigs for life). I'm kinda the same with box mod. I've had one for about 6 mos, and it has been well and truly an awesome introductory to the vv side of things (I've been vaping for years, but just started getting experiemental about...meh, maybe 8 mos ago), but I'm not quite settled with that as my permanent main mod, if that makes sense. I'm like you... I want something I can hold and have it feel sturdy. Plus if you're a clever tinkerer, I think having the 'guts' of the mod exposed when you take out batteries is a definite plus. My friend Rick is all excited about his, cause if something goes awry, he can get solder it up and get it back in working order. For me... having all those bits exposed? Total recipe for disaster. lol I've already murdered one of em, and my batts are dying (and replacements dont' seem to fit) on the other. I'm ready for something I can use for years. And yeah, thinking the provari markup is HUGE, but hey... they've been able to get away with it. I'd sure throw moola at em if I had it to spend. Crossing my fingers... got about a 1 in 200 chance of winning a provari in gotvapes forum. Awesome contests over there... but this one has been going on for like 5 days. Not likely, but maybe luck (and gotvapes!) will bring a blessing my way, and then all these decisions will be moot. Anyway, my Tox should be here next day or two, and I'm planning some very specific testing w meter and bunch of brand new cartos at diff resistances, so hoping I'll be able to figure out right away if I got one of the ones with issues, or not, and at least bring some more data to the table for you guys who are waiting. I just jumped the gun... literally the day before the issues started popping up. Hey, with my luck maybe i'm due some positive karma after all. (crossing fingers!) ;)

Oh, another thing... since you're waiting, and its possible mine might have to be returned... maybe by the time the 'upgraded' first run Tox kits are out, the other colors will be available! I've heard from 2 vendors now that they're definitely on the way (not shipped or anything, but manufacturer is planning multiple colors). That, for me, would add a little zing factor to the tox. Would make me rather happy, anyway. The only thing that was a plus in the LTube column that Tox didn't have (assuming both models function as advertised, which has obviously not been established w Tox, yet) is that the LT was avail in silver, magenta, orig black, and in a few stores, chrome ($5 extra). I think the colors mentioned eventually for tox included some kind of white/off white or stardusty one, blue and purple. Plus, since top controller and body tubes are different parts, ability to mix and match. I probably wouldn't bu some might. ;)
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Feb 27, 2012
Hey thanks for the kind words, I appreciate it!

Where did you order your Tox from? I'm certainly very curious to hear more people's experiences since it's pretty much perfect on paper at least. I'm kinda browsing around the box mods too, I'm no electrical engineer, but the design of the looks pretty simple. Might be fun to try to build one in the meantime while waiting for reports on the Tox, I'm gonna have to see if it looks doable. Good luck on the gotvapes contest and I'm looking forward to hearing about the tox once you receive it.


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Jun 14, 2011
It would be interesting to know what the Upgrade actually entails on the Provari ??? bearing in mind the electronics must have been designed for the Original Provari,would the upgrade put excessive stress on the Original electronics with the higher loads ?? do the upgrades include a change of electronics ?? would be good to know !!!!


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Dec 2, 2010
Mesa, Arizona...USA
Bahiaboy... I could be totally wrong here, but the impression I got from the guy who told me about it is literally trading yours in for the newer model. Apparently that's what a ton of people did when the Provari's made a huge leap... from the original V1 model (which had.. if memory serves... a built in safety function similar to that of Lava Tube and Vision Tox/Varimod, whatever they're calling it... an safety restriction that drops voltage on anything with load over 2.5amps)... to the V2 model, which doesn't have a restriction that low. I believe it still has one, but its at 3 or 3.5... so its much more friendly to low res/dc stuff if you want to shoot for higher voltages. THAT is why I was so amazed at the program. For me, if I had the funds to put into one, that adds a good $80 or so 'added value' in future trade ins. Figure minimum, if you're a long term vaper like me (i'm going on 3 years now, and like it waaaaay too much to stop, though I haven't had a cig in all that time) then you know you're gonna get at least 1 or 2 trade ins (so say approx $120 worth of trade in value each time). That makes up for the difference in price, a few times over. Again, I'm disabled, so I just don't have the $230 to drop on the kit, period. But for someone who does... that really makes it a no brainer. So many people buy a new PV every year or two, but never invest in the provari, and are never satisfied with their vape. Make sense? Its 2:45 am, so hoping that was at least semi logical. lol

And Knivesout... its so funny you used those words, because i used exactly the same phrase when I was contemplating buying it early. Not a lot of reviews were out yet, so I knew there was still the possibility of 'dud factor' which can happen with the first line of any manufactured electrical device. But I decided to get it, because it was almost perfect on paper. ;) And I ordered from litecigs, but aside from the price difference, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of variance in experience. A few of the first shipped ones from each vendor seem to have some early bugs. Many more people are thrilled with theirs than are having issues, so whatever the problems are, they're not affecting every unit. But all the vendors, and right now I only know of 3 carrying it... Litecigsusa, gotvapes, and safer cigs in the uk, seem to be doing an amazing job of replacing the affected units, and basically standing behind the product line... doing whatever it takes to make it right. I have to say, I've been really impressed with the way the whole thing has been handled. I'd gladly do business with litecigs again, and quite frankly, am really hoping mine works, cause it looks perfect for me (especially in my price range, and the way I vape).


Vaping Master
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Mar 22, 2011
Just a quick note on the VV box mods...They use "stacked" batteries and have little to no over voltage or under voltage protection. Most of them require a screwdriver to adjust and most of the cheaper models do not have an LCD/OLED display to check voltage. I would definately go with an ever-cool over a 630 based VV box as the 630 chip puts out quite a bit of heat - right next to your batteries. I love my LT.


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Dec 2, 2010
Mesa, Arizona...USA
You know, now that you said that... It might have been the Ever-cool that my friend decided on, not the vari cool. I seem to remember a similar discussion about batteries and heat. I'll have to check with him, cause now I'm curious. He's shown me the link a few times, but I just spaced on the name.

And we'll have to see how it goes, but hoping my Tox'll show up today. A little experimentation, but if things don't go as planned, I might be joining you in Lava land, soon. ;) I'm still hopeful, but planning for either option.
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