Calling All E-Cigar Users!

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Reviewer / Blogger
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Nov 9, 2008


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 19, 2008
United Kingdom
are you sure you was meant to "pierce" the silver foil with the atomiser!!?? the disposable e-cigs i have say in the instructions to peel the foil off completely........NOT use the atomiser to pierce it!!

please check and get back to me!

tribal, you got the one from did you peel the foil off? ive just got some from e-cigs for review but not used one yet. wanna make sure i got the right info before i film! be nice to see how it compares to the gamucci. let me know please

Nah mate I just pushed the end in and all is good in the world, there was no instructions so I just did what other reviewers did with their disposables!!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 17, 2008
Canada, brrrr
While smoking my e-cigar, I was thinking about how analog cigars change flavor as you smoke them, but the e-cigar tastes the same. Cigar fans like to enjoy the subtle changes in taste. I wonder if it would be possible to do that with an e-cigar cartridge? Imagine a cartridge with layers of flavoring that emulates the changes of an analog. I have no idea if this would be possible - probably some new kind of absorbent material would be required to retain the layers of liquid.

Something for the manufactures to figure out. ;)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2008
Arbroath, UK
as usual, simon was very quick to get back to me and here is what he said:-

"According to the manufacturers recommendations you just push the cart in and puff away" :p

sorry for confusing anyone! lol

That'll be the same as the Ruyan disposable then. Just push the end in and it's good to go. Hope he gets them back in stock soon. I fancy another cigar now the Gamucci's finished.

I might have to pay Heaven Gifts a visit for the Ruyan disposable as well again though. :)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 17, 2008
Canada, brrrr
Wow, those are great prices at Heaven's Gifts. I'm very tempted to order two Ruyan's when I have some more funds. (I have to control myself!)

I noticed this message on the site:

This is the newest pushed-in version with better performance.
Since I've never tried a Ruyan before, what do they mean by better performance? I'm still still puffing away on my generic cigar, and it continues to produce lots of vapour, but I really have to prime puff it to get it going. It'd be nice to have an e-cigar that has an easier draw to it.


New Member
Dec 21, 2008
Hello to all e-cigar users ... do you have any idea why e-cigars are so hard to find lately ? I've been trying to order cigar kits and atomizers for them but it seems that everyone in US and store I know in china are out of stock.

I was buying most of my supplies from puresmoker but they are out of stock for a few weeks now and also I'm not a big fan of the disposable ones currently available in some store. :(

Any ideas / information / suggestions are appreciated.... thanks.


Full Member
Feb 24, 2009
I was buying most of my supplies from puresmoker but they are out of stock for a few weeks now and also I'm not a big fan of the disposable ones currently available in some store. :(

Any ideas / information / suggestions are appreciated.... thanks.

I have been looking high and low lately for cigars as well, and puresmoker seems to be it right now. Did find a listing at sewingmachinesmart - look under Health & Lifestyle then Personal + Health subsection. Kinda dubious about the quality though.

I emailed puresmoker today and they said that the cigars should be in stock tomorrow. See you there!

(just leave some for me, k?) 8-o


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 3, 2008
Los Angeles
I have been looking high and low lately for cigars as well, and puresmoker seems to be it right now. Did find a listing at sewingmachinesmart - look under Health & Lifestyle then Personal + Health subsection. Kinda dubious about the quality though.

I emailed puresmoker today and they said that the cigars should be in stock tomorrow. See you there!

(just leave some for me, k?) 8-o

Hey, I've used both Steve @ Puresmoker and James @ IMO, Jame's cigar's are just as good as Steve's. The LED even changes colors when the battery gets low, and it costs the same with $1 less for shipping I think. w (had to add the space because I can't post links - don't add the space when you type it in though). Hope it helps.

PS: The parts are interchangeable with Steve's as well.


Full Member
Jul 1, 2008
I have been e smoking for 6 months i have tried 4 diffrent models it ...... me off that i always had to charge the batteries [the ones that worked]atomizers ,breaking down not working ,charges not working i was spendind 3 times more money now,it ...... me off that at some point of the day i nedeed a puff at and my e smoke would not work,so i decided to buy Ruyan Disposable E-Cigars and i fell in love with them straight away,smokes kicks ... battery kicks ... and flavour kicks ... ,and who cares about the atomizer i am throwing the cigar away .
My question is how many diffrent disposable e cigars are there?
so i can try them out
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