calculation questions

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Apr 11, 2013
After a quite a few hour reading im still lost and looking for direction. Here goes, looking to make a 70pg 30VG mix.
My base is 48MG looking to get 20MG when done totaling about 10ml - a simple strawberry to start.

I didn't measure 1ml in drops (my 1ml container is due on monday) so for now to keep it simple in my simple brain assume 1ml = 20 drops. Finally are we to assume the flavor is PG, if so then that would go towards to 70% total?
What about the sweetener?
Seems like I am over complicating this...:facepalm:

10ml @ 20mg = 82 drops or 4.1 mil PG base nic
38 drops or 1.9 ml PG
60 drops or 3.0 ml VG
20 drops or 1.0 ml Flavor
2 drops sweetener:confused:

Thanks in advance
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