Building Brunhilde mtl


Senior Member
Jan 1, 2023
So finally I got the juice and atomizer I wanted.

Cutting short here, did build an mtl coil from 0.2*0.4 Ni80 ribbon wire, 2,5 ID about 5-6 twists, came out @ 1ohm, used vampire vape heisenberg 4 shots of 20mg 50/50 nicsalt, 10mg VG and 40mg PG, end result 30VG/70pg 8mg nic strenght, used the second biggest airflow, I think it was 2,1mm airflow pin, coil was placed fairly high, 2-3mm from ariflow, smoked at 17,5W on thelema solo, battery boost was on soft, wicking normal organic shoelace, smashed in the whole lot.

I will keep on experimenting and post it here when I make some kind of spectacular discovery, but atm this thing is saving my money, juice batteries and nerves and making me totally enjoy vaping like never before.

Damn, the vape I got out of the thing.....this is definitely something special, it was really spectacular, been vaping for a year almost, can't say I expected to encounter something like this.

If I ever choose MTL over DL, then this is definitely the case, it's really awsome, this has become my main vape now, DL machine is a backup, when I need a fast fix of nic and ain't got the time to njoy.

All best to you, hope it helps if anyone want to transist from DL to MTL, considering flavour, man this thing rocks your socks off, want to lay back, enjoy a good old and well aged whiskey and vape away my troubles into oblivion and truly enjoy life.

Super happy atm, wont try any other mtl if I am not getting it for free.



Senior Member
Jan 1, 2023
I'm very happy to hear that you're enjoying your Brunhilde MTL RTA so much :thumb:
Now you will need another few for rotation!!
I'll be damned, but it crossed my mind, already some times too many....

And what if I have an awsome build, but I still want to try something else, and how it works with given juice or a new juice entirely.....


Senior Member
Jan 1, 2023
I'm very happy to hear that you're enjoying your Brunhilde MTL RTA so much :thumb:
Now you will need another few for rotation!!
Oh and Daniel!

Big thanks for recommending Ni80, the taste really shines with nichrome.

Kanthal was good in my rdl setup, it was just very convenient to use and it worked. But it was all what there was about it.

Nichrome was difficult for me, to get the oxidation (first dryburn) really right and not to overburn, just until the coils are beautiful darkpurple/blue colour.

Now that I managed it, never looking back, atleast not with my brunhilde mtl.

Daniel Forsyth

Vaping Master
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  • Mar 26, 2019
    Victoria, Australia
    Oh and Daniel!

    Big thanks for recommending Ni80, the taste really shines with nichrome.

    Kanthal was good in my rdl setup, it was just very convenient to use and it worked. But it was all what there was about it.

    Nichrome was difficult for me, to get the oxidation (first dryburn) really right and not to overburn, just until the coils are beautiful darkpurple/blue colour.

    Now that I managed it, never looking back, atleast not with my brunhilde mtl.
    That's my pleasure!
    What can I say but Nichrome Rocks:headbang:


    Senior Member
    Jan 1, 2023

    Been fooling around with lot of builds on brunhilde.

    Hands down, this is one hell of a piece of engineering. The wicking never fails and rarely do I get ever a spitback, only when I press too much power trough a coil, but even tho, with a longer drip tip-nada no problems.

    With the mtl, I wouldn't go past 26g wire, because it delivers nice warm vape, altough before Brunhilde I thought I like it cool.

    Also I learned to appreciate full contact coils way way more. Full contact is harder to manufacture though, but when you keep on trying, eventually your DIY coils come out way more quality then prebuilt contacts.

    Also, if you want to go for a spaced coil, I think you could possibly use even a thicker wire like 24g.

    Contact wire I have found, has so many advantages over spaced, the only disatvantage would be it's more difficult to build and while placing and screwing down it could create occasional spacings making the coil not usable. I have found it can be fixed by running the wire hot and tweezing it immediately to slightly "weld" it together, also its more plastic and stays in the shape it is given at that moment.

    Contact coil pros:
    Lower ohms then same twist count spaced
    Gunks slower (idk maybe its wishful thinking but 400 puffs v 2000+ tells a different story)
    Way faster ramp up, don't know about the cooldown...
    Taste and vapour is so much better
    No random shorts when prepared right
    Wicking lasts longer....
    Easier to clean?!....
    When wicking the coil is not so easily deformed as spaced coil

    So conclusion, I see no reason to use spaced coil, atleast not in Brunhilde.

    Best wishes!
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    Vaping Master
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    Sep 25, 2014
    Naptown, Indiana
    Glad you got it figured out. Never tried a Brunhilde.

    I prefer contact coils myself. Only problem is they don't work in TC mode. At least that's what I've heard, and it was my own experience when I first started using TC. I have some tanks running in TC so I use spaced coils in those.


    Senior Member
    Jan 1, 2023
    Glad you got it figured out. Never tried a Brunhilde.

    I prefer contact coils myself. Only problem is they don't work in TC mode. At least that's what I've heard, and it was my own experience when I first started using TC. I have some tanks running in TC so I use spaced coils in those.
    Nope they don't, the resistance change is drastic, and the ramp up aswell.

    But what I have read somewhere is that DNA mods might make it, those can do anything, or what you've experienced, would be really interesting to know?!

    Never had a DNA so far, felt too expensive and I didn't like stainless steel much and was lucky enough to not have a pressing need to use it (allergies).

    With the geekvape aegis l200 the tc barely seemed to function even with simple round spaced coils SS316l.

    Best wishes.


    Vaping Master
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    Sep 25, 2014
    Naptown, Indiana
    Nope they don't, the resistance change is drastic, and the ramp up aswell.

    But what I have read somewhere is that DNA mods might make it, those can do anything, or what you've experienced, would be really interesting to know?!

    Never had a DNA so far, felt too expensive and I didn't like stainless steel much and was lucky enough to not have a pressing need to use it (allergies).

    With the geekvape aegis l200 the tc barely seemed to function even with simple round spaced coils SS316l.

    Best wishes.
    It was a while ago when I started trying TC. That was on an Aegis Solo. I was using simple round SS316 coils. I can't remember exactly what happened. I think it was just getting very hot very fast. The TC kicked in after maybe one or two seconds so I couldn't even get a single hit off it. I put the question out here and everyone who replied said you can't use spaced coils with TC. When I went to contact coils everything was fine.

    Correction - Got that backwards. It's contact coils that don't work in TC.
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    Senior Member
    Jan 1, 2023
    It was a while ago when I started trying TC. That was on an Aegis Solo. I was using simple round SS316 coils. I can't remember exactly what happened. I think it was just getting very hot very fast. The TC kicked in after maybe one or two seconds so I couldn't even get a single hit off it. I put the question out here and everyone who replied said you can't use spaced coils with TC. When I went to contact coils everything was fine.
    That's sound real weird, for my aegis l200 it was the other way around, maybe just different chipsets. Also the thickness of wire plays a huge role in how your TC works. Also anything below 0.3 ohms is deemed to failure, cause the change in resistance isn't enough for the TC to kick in....atleast for aegis l200. I really didnt like to dryburn my ss316 coils pre use, thats why I shunned the idea of contact coils in TC the first place. I found that dryburned SS coils gunked up way faster, also I was advised never to go over darkred/bloodred colour when dryburning the SS coil, which was really hard to do, cause the damn thing shorted 1/4 of time and the part that shorted went straight to bright yellow hue.

    Idk, I think I might have to try again a few builds of SS with my aegis. So you never tried DNA mods? So far what I have heard if you ever TC then the right way to do it is with DNA, some use YiHi also. The preference is quite split, but I think DNA is a surefire for TC.

    Damn I am itching for a build now....
    • Haha
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    Vaping Master
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    Sep 25, 2014
    Naptown, Indiana
    That's sound real weird, for my aegis l200 it was the other way around, maybe just different chipsets. Also the thickness of wire plays a huge role in how your TC works. Also anything below 0.3 ohms is deemed to failure, cause the change in resistance isn't enough for the TC to kick in....atleast for aegis l200. I really didnt like to dryburn my ss316 coils pre use, thats why I shunned the idea of contact coils in TC the first place. I found that dryburned SS coils gunked up way faster, also I was advised never to go over darkred/bloodred colour when dryburning the SS coil, which was really hard to do, cause the damn thing shorted 1/4 of time and the part that shorted went straight to bright yellow hue.

    Idk, I think I might have to try again a few builds of SS with my aegis. So you never tried DNA mods? So far what I have heard if you ever TC then the right way to do it is with DNA, some use YiHi also. The preference is quite split, but I think DNA is a surefire for TC.

    Damn I am itching for a build now....
    That's an OOPS. I got spaced and contact the wrong way round. You can't use contact coils in TC.
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    Senior Member
    Jan 1, 2023
    Builded a little around on my Brunhilde 1o3. Put in massive dual claptons. All was set perfect and ready....nothing seemed sinister on such a sunny day, what could ever go wrong....

    Not much to say, found out that when you make DL juice, make sure you aren't buying a flavouring with eucalyptus or menthol for "It will kill".

    Even when the clerck promises that it has no "fresh" in God we trust...

    The throath hit was razor sharp.....

    *rasphy coughing all along the way*


    Super Member
    Jan 25, 2024
    Among The Pugs
    I played around today and made a couple 3.5mm iterations. Way too big.

    With a bad left hand, my coils are all but pretty. LoL.

    I did manage to make one that looked the part, but at the moment I'm without my tweezers. I tried it anyway. It ramps up slow, but the flavor is really good compared to stainless. It's rated at 1.36ohm, running in bypass at 12.4 watts and drawing 2.85 amps. No popping and smooth rolling flavor. It seems good.

    Critiques expected :D
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