Breakthrough in CDC vaping illness investigation: Vitamin E acetate and THC may be to blame

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  • Feb 13, 2013
    Denver, CO
    The other 14 percent are lying. One was caught after interviews with his friends revealed that he had used the same THC cartridges they had.

    THIS is my biggest issue with marijuana users being welcomed here on these forums.

    I would say that their allegiance is divided but that implies both loyalty and parity between THC and vaping in the minds of certain members.

    It's been made abundantly clear that the vast majority of THC users are loyal only to weed and their need to get high.

    They could care less about the rest of the vaping community or our struggles.....and that is perfectly illustrated by the 14 percent who are willing to throw vapers under the bus and not come clean about their use of black market THC cartridges.

    With "friends" like that who needs enemies?

    Umm I hate to break it to you but us marijuana users have been on the boards for quite some time. We're just now allowed to talk about the fact that we're marijuana users. You're probably right about the general public THC vapers not caring about e-cigs but from what I've seen the cannabis forums is just a place for the members that were already here to talk about cannabis.

    And 14% is a pretty low number. I'm surprised they've even got it that low. There's always going to be some kids that lie and you have to remember some people are still in states where THC possession is a major offense. Not everyone has the luxury of telling the truth without repercussions.

    Hi Eskie:)I had a discussion with my favorite convenience store owner yesterday about the menthol Cigarette ban in MA. He still had menthol tobacco products on his shelves, cigs, bags of tobacco, chewing tobacco...but he said that meetings were going on at The Hill (The State House on Beacon Hill, where all our politicians live and work). Menthol cigs are 35-40% of convenience store sales. The state will lose $300,000,000 in taxes. Does it make you wonder why a governor would forfeit all that dough?

    That's an easy one. Because they don't expect to forfeit a single dime. Their bet is that menthol smokers will just go to non-menthol cigarettes and they're probably 95% correct on that.
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    Moved On
    ECF Veteran
    May 30, 2017
    Vaping was doomed from the moment it began. Oh, I knew, even then, that like, it was going to be too good.

    The weird thing is I QUIT totally easily with NO problems at ALL for 6 weeks... And then, I went back to a really stressful job and smoked my FIRST cigarette on the way to the job interview.

    It was like SO not a big deal either, I just sorta... did it. And, no gnashing of teeth and wailing and moaning like this time.

    Guess every quit is different. .Still.

    ALSO I do NOT blame to cloud chasers, I do not blame the teens, I don't blame the parents OR the Media.

    It is quite simply and ONLY the Great Spaghetti Muster in the sky, who is reaching down with his gooey noodley appendages and going "I want my tax money and I want BT's hookers, too, they're really nice and Vaping can GO pound sand."

    I mean the Great Spagehtti Monster isn't out to ban cars, and they kill more people EVERY day than freaking ecigs. The Great Spaghetti monster has put the FDA in charge OF ECIGS. And prescription drugs kill MORE people daily than ILLICIT drugs, even. Let alone ecigs.

    It is what it is. There is no logic needed or required. Just a Colander. Hurry on down to a Walmart near you.



    Super Member
    ECF Veteran
  • Jan 16, 2017
    Call me crazy, but I believe there were stories from the CDC that the problem was vitamin E acetate and THC nearly 2 months ago.

    Lung Injury Associated with E-cigarettes or Vaping Products

    When 77% of those having lung problems admit to using street additives, you have a cause. Not may have a cause.

    The CDC and the FDA failed to do their jobs. The CDC and FDA thought their job was to validate their own prejudices instead of protecting the public's health.
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    ECF Guru
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    Apr 8, 2012
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    Ultra Member
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    Jun 8, 2013
    Farmington, NM USA
    Fortunately here in the US when one business closes another opens if there is a demand to support it. I do feel bad for the people in the vaping business right now. The writing has been there for a while now and it looks like the book is coming to an end in May 2020. I'm sure there will be a sequel.
    Ya sure. Any new business is a risk, and that is a consideration when financing is needed. Now, calculate the risk when it's probably going to fail in May of next year. Be sure to mention that in your Business Plan.
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    Moved On
    ECF Veteran
    Sep 12, 2014
    joshua tree, ca
    Ya sure. Any new business is a risk, and that is a consideration when financing is needed. Now, calculate the risk when it's probably going to fail in May of next year. Be sure to mention that in your Business Plan.
    You're correct about financing. There are alot of small businesses that don't need start up financing though. I agree opening a vape shop right now probably would not be a good idea. What happens after May 2020 is still yet to be determined. Many new businesses fail. You'll never know what the future will bring.


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Oct 8, 2014
    PA, SK, CA
    It's been made abundantly clear that the vast majority of THC users are loyal only to weed and their need to get high.

    They could care less about the rest of the vaping community or our struggles....

    One expects "they" will extend the same amount of support you extend to them.

    Love to stay and chat longer but I have to rob stuff and inject some marijuanas, then maybe throw some vapers under the bus for realz. Perhaps eat a few live kittens too, dunno yet.


    Super Member
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    May 8, 2014
    Ypsilanti mi
    The funny thing is the most responsible reporting of the last months were in the NYT and the WSJ. Everyone else treated it like a breathless breaking news national emergency. I’m glad enough data was finally collected to support what was happening and clearing nicotine based stuff. They accomplished the most important part in identifying the agent in the lung tissue itself closing the circle to make sound conclusions.

    Why would that be a surprise.
    Despite claims of bias against them from both ends of the political spectrum, WaPo, and the NYT have nearly two centuries of award winning journalism between them.
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    Super Member
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    May 8, 2014
    Ypsilanti mi
    The other 14 percent are lying. One was caught after interviews with his friends revealed that he had used the same THC cartridges they had.

    THIS is my biggest issue with marijuana users being welcomed here on these forums.

    I would say that their allegiance is divided but that implies both loyalty and parity between THC and Vaping in the minds of certain members.

    It's been made abundantly clear that the vast majority of THC users are loyal only to weed and their need to get high.

    They could care less about the rest of the vaping community or our struggles.....and that is perfectly illustrated by the 14 percent who are willing to throw vapers under the bus and not come clean about their use of black market THC cartridges.

    With "friends" like that who needs enemies?

    I suppose that I might agree with you, but I've seen people who have been arrested, and handcuffed to their hospital beds after reporting drug overdoses.
    Given the legal situation, it's quite understandable that people would rather not be forthcoming about their marijuana use.


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Aug 30, 2017
    Metro ATL
    Why would that be a surprise.
    Despite claims of bias against them from both ends of the political spectrum, WaPo, and the NYT have nearly two centuries of award winning journalism between them.
    I won't make any claims of bias here, but winning awards doesn't really have anything to do with bias. CNN has won many awards, as has MSNBC. ABC probably could have garnered a few awards with a story on Epstein. I know, Fox is biased too, but they're not winning any awards.

    Hell, Obama won a Nobel prize! (a Pulitzer should be awarded to the first one that can show how he actually deserved it:confused:).

    I will say I generally trust WSJ, though. Oh, and still by far the best journalism I've seen on this entire thing was from Leafly (a marijuana publication), back in September. Journey of a tainted vape cartridge: from China’s labs to your lungs
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