Batteries Without 10 Second Cut-Off

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Sep 11, 2010
I wasn't sure where to post this. So move it if need be.

I started vaping several years ago, back before batteries had a 10 second cut-off. It was glory. Then my trusty Riva batteries ended up dying after a few years. Yes, the Rivas lasted over 3 years each before declining. May they rest in peace. They were chain vaping soldiers.

Since Liberty-Flights stopped selling the old Rivas, I've been plagued with sub-par batteries that barely hold a charge, die within months, and have a 10 second cut-off. Whereas, the old Rivas lasted me 3-4 years each. They were 900 mah and lasted up to 24 hours on a single charge with chain vaping. Now, I have some 2200 and 2800 mah batteries that take a year and a day to charge (with the charger still showing red after 3 days) and I'm lucky to get 6-12 hours and a couple of months from them.

The 10 second cut-off is the biggest killer. I like to take long, deep, inhales. These batteries aren't cutting it. Is there a way to mod them to get rid of the cut-off? Or is there a battery that doesn't have it? I was thinking that maybe a mod might do the trick.

Any suggestions?


ECF Guru
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Nov 17, 2013
New Orleans La.
to beat the 10 second cut out, during mid inhale let go of the button for a quick moment and repress the button ( when letting off the button it resets the timer)
another way around the cut off is by getting a mech mod.. but you will need good batteries ( 18650s) and a good charger ( I2 or LUC V4) and learn how to wrap your own coils and wick them... learn ohms law and get a decent ohm meter... sounds like alot of stuff to do but if you want to have a better vape and better control with longer inhales its about the only way...
other options include dual battery VV/VW mods ( IPV4 etc) and just about any of the new tank systems, some of these VV/VW mods have programmable cut off times so you can go beyond 10 seconds...


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Sep 11, 2010
Thanks for the reply. I've been doing the quick on and off on the button and it doesn't work well.

On top of everything else, I shouldn't have to wrap coils and such. Personally, I can not stand tanks. I've tried many of them just to give them a try and was disappointed with them all and wasted money. I despise drip tips; the feel and the cold vape they all give. I like it from the tap. The vape cools travelling through the tip. I'm running off of CE2R4 cartos. Yes, I still have them and they have been good to me. They last me over 2-3 years each with regular cleaning. I have saved all of the dead ones for when I decide to rebuild them. If Got Vapes had alternative tips (that were just plugs and not elongated drips, I'd have no problem. But they don't seem to care what I have to say).

I'll have to look into the VV/VW mods with programmable cut-off times, like you mentioned. I didn't know that those types existed since I am pretty much in the stone age of what has worked for me all this time.
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