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Australian tobacco alternative (e-cig focused) consumer association is coming...

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 31, 2011
Mulgrave - VIC - AU
Some of you who are also on the AussieVapers forums will already know this, but I thought it would be best to start a thread here too, for two reasons:

1. Aussie vapers who would be here but not on AussieVapers
2. Get exposure (and advice) from the larger community.

After running the SMOKESCREEN blog for a few months, and starting the AUSSIE ASH campaign, plus getting a kick in the behind from Rolygate, it was obvious that Australian's needed a collective voice to our government about e-cigs.

The ground work is being done ATM the create Australia's own e-cig consumer association. Woot!

So far work has began with:

1. Application for domain name submitted
2. Work started on the website
3. Research into incorporation requirements have begun
4. Membership is starting up
5. I have a list of organisations that support Harm Reduction to contact
6. "Press Kits" are being constructed
7. Contacts for members of academia who may be able to act as science advisors
8. Breakdown of Commonwealth Law to understand what actually needs to be done to legally recognise ejuice done here (e-cigs themselves aren't the problem, just the nic juice)
9. First contact letter almost ready for the Victorian Health Department which can easily be adapted for other states. (It was originally written to be from me personally, but I figured it was best to hold off, get the association off the ground and then sent it in on everybody's behalf).

It's a lot to do, but we've come a long way in just a few short days. Can anybody (particularly anybody involved with CASAA, ECCA UK, VN, etc) give us some tips on what we may have forgetton, or what steps will need to be taken next?

Big props to Roly again for coming up with the name we decided to use: ATACA
(Australian Tobacco Alternatives Consumer Association)

I'll keep posting updates until the association is ready to officially "launch" and then start a new "official" thread.

This is going to be one hell of a ride :)


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jun 7, 2011
Soundasleep, you know through our conversations that you have my support on this.

It is better to be prepared and informed than have nothing at all.

Would be good to see as many people as possible get on board with this, I am sure that Soundasleep will appreciate any feedback, ideas and assistance that you can all offer individually.

Thanks again for your efforts to date Soundasleep.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 31, 2011
Mulgrave - VIC - AU
The Australian Tobacco Alternatives Consumer Association, or ATACA is now online.

Come have a look at our website at ATACA | Australian Tobacco Alternatives Consumer Association and let us know what you think. Obviously there this still a lot of work to be done to the site, and I should have the code ready for membership signup within the next day.

This is going to be a fun ride :)

Cheers everyone,
Sana "soundasleep" Nolan


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 31, 2011
Mulgrave - VIC - AU
The ATACA website is now live and ready to take members.

Come visit us at ATACA | Australian Tobacco Alternatives Consumer Association and sign up now! Remember, when it comes to politics, the only power is in numbers.

It'll start a dedicated thread once I've got a bit more to report that just "we are open for business" ;)
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