As a never-smoker, I'm really liking e-cigs

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Jan 5, 2015
I think its great that you skipped smoking and went straight to vaping. In today's day and age it seems logical to start vaping instead. I don't get people's inner hatred of never-smokers beginning to vape. Its like, most of us smoked for years but I bet every ex-smoker here would've started vaping first if we had the choice.


Ultra Member
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Aug 23, 2014
I think its great that you skipped smoking and went straight to vaping. In today's day and age it seems logical to start vaping instead. I don't get people's inner hatred of never-smokers beginning to vape. Its like, most of us smoked for years but I bet every ex-smoker here would've started vaping first if we had the choice.
Exactly. And, with or without nicotine, I don't think developing a vaping habit is something to be embarrassed about. Nor is it something that we need to prevent never-smokers from trying. Why be ashamed that some never-smoker found a much more healthy way to enjoy a wonderful pastime that you enjoyed for years in the much more unhealthy tobacco form? It is great that never smokers have skipped the cigarettes and jumped directly to vaping. The ANTZ can talk all they want. They don't have much ground to stand on using nicotine as an argument. Nicotine is safe, vaping is not a gateway to smoking, and adults have a right to choose.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
  • Jul 6, 2015
    Pennsylvania, USA
    Exactly. And, with or without nicotine, I don't think developing a vaping habit is something to be embarrassed about. Nor is it something that we need to prevent never-smokers from trying. Why be ashamed that some never-smoker found a much more healthy way to enjoy a wonderful pastime that you enjoyed for years in the much more unhealthy tobacco form? It is great that never smokers have skipped the cigarettes and jumped directly to vaping. The ANTZ can talk all they want. They don't have much ground to stand on using nicotine as an argument. Nicotine is safe, vaping is not a gateway to smoking, and adults have a right to choose.

    Yeah, like I said earlier, I hold a sort of middle ground in regards to never-smokers. Doesn't bother me in the least if a never-smoker wants to start vaping. I only suggested to a never-smoker just one time that I didn't think he should start vaping. I only told him that not because he was wanting to start vaping but because of WHY he wanted to start vaping. He wanted to start because of some girl (which I thought was silly) and I "tried" to explain this to him.......... The next thing I knew half the forum jumped down my throat :eek:

    Of course as screwy as I am I might not have worded things properly...... I couldn't understand why the other members on here were not understanding the point I was trying to make to the dude. It's like they all thought that I was jumping on him for wanting to start vaping but I wasn't. I was just telling him his reasons for starting were silly to a dude such as myself.


    Ultra Member
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    Aug 23, 2014
    Yeah, like I said earlier, I hold a sort of middle ground in regards to never-smokers. Doesn't bother me in the least if a never-smoker wants to start vaping. I only suggested to a never-smoker just one time that I didn't think he should start vaping. I only told him that not because he was wanting to start vaping but because of WHY he wanted to start vaping. He wanted to start because of some girl (which I thought was silly) and I "tried" to explain this to him.......... The next thing I knew half the forum jumped down my throat :eek:

    Of course as screwy as I am I might not have worded things properly...... I couldn't understand why the other members on here were not understanding the point I was trying to make to the dude. It's like they all thought that I was jumping on him for wanting to start vaping but I wasn't. I was just telling him his reasons for starting were silly to a dude such as myself.
    My wife doesn't vape or smoke. She criticizes me sometimes about all the gear that I have. Or about the clouds. But usually she is cool with it. It would be even cooler if she also vaped, though. But that is her choice. If she wanted to try vaping, I would love to help with some gear to get started.


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
  • Jul 6, 2015
    Pennsylvania, USA
    My wife doesn't vape or smoke. She criticizes me sometimes about all the gear that I have. Or about the clouds. But usually she is cool with it. It would be even cooler if she also vaped, though. But that is her choice. If she wanted to try vaping, I would love to help with some gear to get started.

    Yeah I know what you mean ... Too bad she get's after you on occasion :( Oh well, she seems like she is fine with it most of the time and so you got it good in comparison to lots of folks I have came across here. Maybe one day her curiosity will get the best of her and she will ask to try it.


    Senior Member
    Jul 9, 2015
    in flux
    I'm a non smoker that took up vaping. I enjoy the nicotine buzz and the vape itself. The part about building up some crazy tolerance is somewhat incorrect. I've been vaping for sixish months and still use only 3 mg juice. I do use drippers and sub tanks.

    I have noticed a nicotine tolerance build at the beginning, but it tapered off a while ago. Where four puffs got me lightheaded now it takes six.

    Vaping is safer than smoking and the nic enhancing other buzzes, like alcohol, is fun! I consider nicotine usage safer than drinking.

    There's a lot of negativity on here towards non smokers vaping, and I find it hilarious! :lol:


    Senior Member
    Aug 13, 2015
    I think its great that you skipped smoking and went straight to vaping. In today's day and age it seems logical to start vaping instead. I don't get people's inner hatred of never-smokers beginning to vape. Its like, most of us smoked for years but I bet every ex-smoker here would've started vaping first if we had the choice.
    I agree here. Should we encourage people to score for a few years first, instead? LMAO
    I have smoked for 60 years and can honestly say I don't ever recall getting a buzz from smoking. Don't even know what it would feel like.
    you never got a buzz from smoking? You power hit one down real quick and get light headed? Or you went a couple days without?
    I wouldn't say it is all that pleasant though,tbh


    Super Member
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    Apr 2, 2015
    MA, USA
    I never smoked cigarettes. I was into pipes and cigars. The closest thing to a cigarette I smoked was those Djarum Black clove "cigars". I never mention what I used to smoke because I feel like everyone in the community hates me for it (you are all incredibly nice people, and I like it here) because I was never really a smoker.

    With all that being said; I revert back to my standard retort; You all started smoking for a reason. Cigarette smoking is dying VERY fast, we all know it's not good for you. If people want to make the personal decision to "smoke" an e-cig instead of a Class-A tobacco cigarette, I'm 100% okay with that. No one should have to "qualify" in order to vape. I started with 0mg, now I tootle-puff at 6mg and sub-ohm at 3mg. I missed the feeling smoking a bowl of Frog Morton, and the low MG nicotine was able to satisfy that urge.


    Senior Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jul 21, 2015
    I was a light smoker and quit using the gum, but I got addicted to the gum. I picked up an ecig to have something to puff on when I had drinks but I cld never get off the gum. Just recently I got my wife to vape instead of smoking. Since she vapes every night, my occasional vape (only when drinking) turned into every night. I can say now that I have increased vaping I am off the gum after 10 years and a very sore jaw!! I agree with others: vape if you want but why start nicotine? Use 0mg and know what you are vaping!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Super Member
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    Apr 25, 2015
    Illinois, US
    Welcome to the forum. While I agree with the others and believe it is probably smarter to not vape nic, I don't fault anyone for vaping juice with nic in it. Some people, like myself, enjoy the nicotine. Just be sure you know the potential risks associated with it. Is it potentially addictive? Yep. Then again, so is alcohol, but I doubt most people rush out to buy a 30 pack of non-alcoholic beer for their 21st birthday(I know I sure didn't. I celebrated with everyone in my house doing power hours, with me being the one changing it up and instead of just doing a shot of beer every minute, I made it a shot of vodka every 10th minute. I really don't remember how much I puked that night, but I know it was fun as far as I remember.). We all do things for our own reasons, and I see no reason to belittle anyone over their choice of what they do in their life.

    When it all comes down to it, do what you like. It is your health and your life. If you want to take the chance on becoming addicted to nicotine, that is your choice. Being addicted to it isn't a good thing, but there are a lot worse things you could be getting hooked on. Just do your own thing and be sensible about it.

    Welcome to the club. Enjoy your new obsession. Hopefully you have a spare room in your house for when your collection grows.


    Full Member
    Aug 20, 2015
    Liverpool UK
    I smoked 20 per day, I always considered it a habit rather than an addiction to nicotine. I started vaping 9 months ago, after 1 week I began using nicotin free liquids and havent looked back since, thus proving it was the "hand to mouth inhale exhale" motion that I was addicted to.
    I say if you wanna vape than vape, but steer clear of the nicotine juices


    Super Member
    ECF Veteran
    Mar 5, 2015
    So I've noticed most people who start vaping were smokers. I've never smoked (I took a drag off of a friend's cig once while drunk, as a couple of my friends like to smoke only when they drink. I coughed a lot.) I was curious what a nicotine buzz felt like, and after reading up on how actual nicotine is not seriously harmful I decided to give e-cigs a try. I just received 5 fling e-cigs and my favorite is menthol. I feel relaxed and the act of vaping calms me. Any others out there like me? :p

    Nicotine actually has benefits, like coffee, it reduces stress (just ask any smoker who has a stressful job). Smoke and vapor is very calming.
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    Super Member
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    Aug 30, 2014
    Prescott, AZ USA
    I quit smoking over 4 years ago and recently started vaping because I enjoy it and it also helps me keep from relapsing to cigarettes. But I wouldn't do it at all if I didn't enjoy it.

    I vape ZERO NIC. I've been meeting more vapers lately, and a lot of 20-30 somethings (most never smokers) that also vape zero nic.

    Any beneficial effects that nicotine may have are far outweighed by its addictiveness. A lot of people here cling to the belief that nicotine is not addictive by itself. But if that were true, why do they continue to vape nicotine? Because they broke their addiction to cigarettes, and are still addicted to nicotine.

    I find that vaping relaxes me, and fills the void leftover from having quit smoking. But I would never vape with nicotine. Too hard to get that monkey off my back the first time.

    If you get a kick out of nicotine, caffeine works better than that, and there are even stores adding it to ejuice now.
    Me need nicotine....period!
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