Army vet and vapes

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Full Member
Jun 12, 2021
I started smoking ciggerettes when I was 13 years old. At first I only smoked a ciggerett on the weekends but around the time I joined the Army around 19 years old I started smoking daily. Then I became a pack a day smoker when I was stationed in South Korea. Before I got out of the military (4 year enlistment term) I was approaching 2 packs a day.

As time went on the amount of ciggerettes per day varied but I was still considered a heavy smoker. Around 2009 I started to feel myself getting weaker and less productive at work. My breathing was begining to get heavier and I could tell that I wasn't getting enough oxygen.

Let's be clear I didn't want to quit ciggerettes. I enjoyed smoking. It was something I enjoyed and helped me cope with life especially after leaving the military. But I knew something had to change or I'll end up with a straw down my neck to help me breath.

So in 2009, while I was working at the Post Office, I saw a buddy vaping on a Vapor4Life cigalike device. I was confused and fascinated at the same time. I asked him "what the hell are you smoking?" He then walked me through it. At the time is was a pretty cool kit with an external battery pack to charge the ecig while on the go and those neat cartomizers that could be refilled.

He had an extra ecig battery and a new pepomint cartomizer and let me try it out for the day. The very next day (pay day) I ordered 2 kits, spare cartos and 2 bottles of pepomint.

The day I received the kit I haven't touched a cigerrette since.

Fast forward to current day I am strictly a mtl rta user. I love love my Kayfun Prime and the kayfun lite 2020. I use a 2mm ID round coil at 1.25 ohms at 10 watts on a geek vape mod with an external 18650 battery. I support my local vape shop and buy their house eliquids. 70 vg/30 pg blends with 6mg freebase nicotine....mostly tobacco flavors :) I love my tobacco blends.

My breathing is great. I workout daily and my work production couldn't be better. 12 years later I haven't even thought about a ciggerette so I consider that a success.

Thank you for reading my success story with vaping.


Full Member
Jun 12, 2021
Welcome to the club. Always impressed that a heavy smoker could quit using those early devices. Not sure that things were much better later on with the Clearos that replaced some cartos.
Yea I remember those clearomizers. When they first came out they had leaking issues or didn't wick well. But they did get better over time. Then of course tanks came out which really made the vapor production and flavor really shine.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 27, 2015
Dunoon, West of Scotland.
I can relate to this, when I came out of uniform in 1974 I smoked 60 Senior Service unfiltered a day ( good pay, a lot of down time and cigarettes were dead cheap ); back in Civvy Street I switched to a pipe for financial reasons and like most pipe smokers inhaled a fair amount of very strong pipe tobacco until 6 years ago. I started with an Ego and a CE4 but a month later had an iStick30w and a Nautilus Mini. Since then I have never looked back.

I have never (thankfully) been tempted to smoke since and am so delighted I switched to vaping - I was 71 in April gone BTW!
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