Anyone vaping Clove (or your own clove mix) instead of Kretek?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 19, 2009
Louisville, KY
The reason I ask is Kretek by TV makes me sneeze a lot. I don't just mean when I vape it. But when my man vapes it. So I was wondering what people thought of just clove or their own customize your own.

The reason I am thinking of this is, We had a Thanksgiving food day at work on Monday. We had the most heavily cloved ham I have ever had. It made me miss that heavy clove taste. I was not alone. Co workers said it was like a clove cig plus ham. We wished we could just isolate the clove taste.

I never cared for the tobacco aspect of a clove cig. Just the clove. Would just clove taste deep enough? Or would it be like tea? To me Kretek is more like tea (I assume that is the tobacco flavor or am I wrong?) I can not vape Kretek as I said I sneeze and I mean a lot. And I know it can not be the clove.

Has anyone done this (just clove or clove with a tweak) or am I nuts?:oops:


Oct 11, 2010
since this thread just woke up again, i'll ask:

any news on clove alone vs. kretek? i've been using kretek 0 nic 80/20 to top up my V4L clove coolcarts. i recently got a free sample of clove tobacco medium from another vendor. its clove flavor is minimal. the tobacco flavor is noticeable, but overall the flavor is lacking. adding the kretek really brings it to life. it's all i vape now, but it's still no Djarum Black. the Kretek seems to have too much cinnamon and tastes like christmas to me.

any one else have news on clove?
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 12, 2010
I vape Kretrek from time to time because I like the cinnamon overtones. I was hooked on clove, the spice, juice for awhile, especially with menthol. It's not like a tea experience but more like what you smell when you open a jar of McCormick cloves. Kind of intense and can numb your lips but I - for some weird reason - keep a bottle around for when I just want a quick hit of a strong flavor that isn't sweet or tobacco.
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