Anybody ever tried the Profile and/or Recurve RDA?

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 18, 2014
Anchorage, AK, USA
Hi guys!

I do have the Profile rda now and I love it, I think I really like the mesh function of it too, but I'm also forgetting what it was like to make and vape some good coils too lol!

I do like a warm/dense vape as well, so I thought the Recurve seemed perfect, especially because it's a squonker too and I kinda need that with my job.

I'm just curious about everyone's experience with either, or even better both. I usually do vape a set-up that's more on the very safe but extreme end of things, I like alot of vapor and fast. But I'd imagine with the smaller chamber of the recurve you could probably crank it down a little. Thank you SO MUCH for any feedback!


Ultra Member
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Feb 18, 2014
Anchorage, AK, USA
I've got a couple profiles and I really like them. Easy to build and wick. I'm a newbie at building and the mesh is much easier for me.
I don't know about the recurve. I have a clone but haven't used it yet. Good luck!

Same I'm in love with the Profile, and my impatient self just bought a Recurve (they're all sold out! I found ONE left in Indiana lol), so I'll let you know myself in about 5 days hopefully!


Ultra Member
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Feb 18, 2014
Anchorage, AK, USA
I finally got my Recurve in the mail and it's the BOMB DOT COM if anyone's wondering, is it BETTER than the Profile? I'm not sure yet, so I'm going to vape them both for a few days. The Recurve definitely had better flavor off the bat, but I'm wondering if it's because I'm not temperature controlling it like my Profile and I'm just blasting more juice into mouth (it's not spitting or anything, it's actually great). I ordered some SS361 wire so I can make some coils that I can temperature control, and then I'll do a true comparison.

Literally the only thing I can come close to complaining about on the Recurve is the airflow is a little more restrictive than I'm used to. Although I'm sure I'm just afraid of change lol, and will learn to like it. It probably contributes to the stronger flavor/warmth (which I'm really digging). I kinda thought mesh was the way to go but I'm starting to question that now, I think I've just always had the wrong atty!
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May 31, 2014
I finally got my Recurve in the mail and it's the BOMB DOT COM if anyone's wondering, is it BETTER than the Profile? I'm not sure yet, so I'm going to vape them both for a few days. The Recurve definitely had better flavor off the bat, but I'm wondering if it's because I'm not temperature controlling it like my Profile and I'm just blasting more juice into mouth (it's not spitting or anything, it's actually great). I ordered some SS361 wire so I can make some coils that I can temperature control, and then I'll do a true comparison.

Literally the only thing I can come close to complaining about on the Recurve is the airflow is a little more restrictive than I'm used to. Although I'm sure I'm just afraid of change lol, and will learn to like it. It probably contributes to the stronger flavor/warmth (which I'm really digging). I kinda thought mesh was the way to go but I'm starting to question that now, I think I've just always had the wrong atty!

I don't have a Profile to compare it to but I really love the Recurve. When I purchased it the Chief King with the top air flow closed was probably my favorite flavor RDA. The Recurve is a tad more restrictive, but it is very smooth (if that makes any sense). I actually prefer it over my Chief Kind now.

If memory serves me correctly the directions tell you how long to make the legs. I think I do it differently though and use 9mm legs with a 2.5 inner diameter on the coil. The flavor is awesome.


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