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510 Atty Burnt taste???

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 8, 2011
Hey guys so I'm a noob, only been vaping for a little over a week. I have three atomizers and was vapng juice from Northernvapor with no problems, then I got some juice from Vaporskitchen and within 3 days all three of my attys tasted burnt. VK has a thicker/sweeter juice so I'm guessing it clogged them up, also I'm pretty sure I flooded my attys after hearing everyone talking about always keeping them wet. So I read up on cleaning techniques, and decided to simmer my attys in vinegar for 10 minutes and then I left them over night and did a dry burn in the morning. I also dewicked one of them cause I read that the wick burns or something. That one and another still taste really burnt, I got one working but the vapor isn't as good as it was. Does anyone know how I can get that burnt taste out? I'm gonna try soaking them in Coke overnight hope it works but not high hopes...

Anyone got any ideas of how to get that burnt taste out (they still work as I'm getting vapor)​


Ultra Member
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Mar 3, 2011
Edmonton, AB
Hmm I didn't have that problem with VK's juices, but I do find that I always have wicking problems with 510 carts. They just can't keep up with me I guess, and I get those dry/burnt hits. That's why I like Ego atties/carts. Never have wicking issues at all.

I don't hear much about people using vinegar or coke for cleaning by the way. Typically people use boiling water, rubbing alcohol or vodka.

If you're still getting those dry/burnt hits after cleaning them, you may just have a wicking problem. It's a fine balance between a dry hit and flooding the atty, but I prefer flooding it and just vaping through it than I do dry hits. I find I kind of have to slow down when using 510 carts so my vaping matches the rate of wicking. If I huff and puff, that's when the burnt taste comes... and 100% VG in a 510 cart wicks so terribly that I find I have to top up constantly.


PV Masher
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Aug 22, 2010
Kauai, Hawaii
good reply Concat; there's a fine line between "dry hit" and burning... but with dripping, it has to be done at times just to get most of the juice vaped out of the atty. In fact, it's when the vape starts tasting a little burnt that I know it's time for re-dripping.
If it tastes burnt right off the bat, then you probably have a gunked atty coil and cleaning is needed.

I agree that boiling vinegar is a little extreme.
Check out Highping's " my atty cleaning method" thread... it's the best.

The "unconventional cleaning method" post by rondodog is good too... it uses white vinegar and baking soda.

Dripping takes a while to learn the ins and outs... keep at it, it's the best vape method over all.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 28, 2011
I can't use carts. I have to drip cuz I have to shake my juice every time since it's oil based. I know its bad for atty but I don't care it is good enough for me. If atty lasts me 4 attys lasts me 2 months, I will be happy. But yeah that burnt taste is from the gunk in the coils. Dry burning is an art. Do it on LR attys and you might just pop it. Takes a while to learn all the aspects of dripping but when you perfect them, it may be your most favorite way to vape. Only problem is while driving. It is possible but dangerous. I try to use my tank. But since making a 3.7 box mod, I think I gonna have to try to make a wet box for driving. Pretty soon my inferno is just not gonna cut it for me...lol. I knew I should have waited a year before getting my hands into mods.


Vaping Master
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Dec 9, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario -CANADA-
Me thinks.... DIY oil based flavorings.

I blow atty's out at nite and leave to drain in a shot glass overnite, the a quick dryburn (while blowing on the atty **watch your eyes in case the atty pops, even tho that hasn't happened to me every), couple drops of pure vg or pg, puff without inhaling a few times, then business as usual for the remainder of the day.

I too only drip, its been the best for ME all around. If I'm in non stop traffic I usually keep a couple loaded carto's near me to switch over, but its rarely that I don't have an opportunity to drip.

ps: be careful out there Ontarians... the OPP is blitzing this week on distracted driving (more with texting/chatting with cells), and will be looking for ANY excuse to yank you over and justify their mandate !!



PV Masher
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Aug 22, 2010
Kauai, Hawaii
you can only do the best you can... these techniques work for the most part, but nothing is fool proof...

until a better level of durability and quality in atomizer production is reached, those of us that rely on atomizers have one keyword: backups.
in other words, have plenty of backups.
I go through an atty a week... if it does clean up, it only lasts another week on avg. of heavy vaping before it's a dead unit.
Yea I checked out highpings post and still have that burning taste on two of my atomizers. Any suggestions?


Full Member
Apr 18, 2011
I've brought a few back from the dead by...
Dropping into a pot of boiling water using a spoon or loose tea holder to keep it off of the very bottom.
Boil for 10 min
Let cool, blow out and let dry overnight.
Prime with ~6 drops & take a puff (don't inhale but smell the vapor you blow out to test)
You may have already tried this, but if not, sounds like you don't have anything to lose.


Senior Member
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Apr 13, 2011
Cambridge, ON, CANADA
Glad you figured it out. Personally I'm not a huge fan of dripping. I've never had the "Best flavour, huge clouds of vapor" that everyone talks about. I found I get better hits with less fuss with either a tank or carto system. Fill it and forget it. As long as you keep the tank Atty or carto clean and topped up they're really hard to beat for ease of use and reliability. (Not to mention cheaper to replace when they die)

i've had CE2 cartos last me literally 2 months when kept clean, and KR8 Cartos at least a month when cleaned properly. Just a thought.


PV Masher
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Aug 22, 2010
Kauai, Hawaii
then that's working great for you...
I got obsessed pretty quick... and dove into everything. Dripping takes a while to get good at; lots of factors, but I just tell people not to get discouraged; it's all part of the learning curve, and you get a better idea of how this "thing" works.

for those that are looking for "more" they often end up with bottom feeders, thinking this is the ultimate... i disagree; you still get juice issues; flooding etc... here's where it gets sticky; i like a perfectly dripped vape on the top of the atty... lol.

Glad you figured it out. Personally I'm not a huge fan of dripping. I've never had the "Best flavour, huge clouds of vapor" that everyone talks about. I found I get better hits with less fuss with either a tank or carto system. Fill it and forget it. As long as you keep the tank Atty or carto clean and topped up they're really hard to beat for ease of use and reliability. (Not to mention cheaper to replace when they die)

i've had CE2 cartos last me literally 2 months when kept clean, and KR8 Cartos at least a month when cleaned properly. Just a thought.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 14, 2010
Alberta, Canada
Hey guys I think I might of figured out why I was having the burnt taste. When I started vaping I never blew out the primer on my attys. But since I've been doing that I haven't had that problem at all, three weeks in attys are all good.

That bad tasting stuff is usually shipping fluid - and it can be nasty.

It will still be important to clean your atty's - as frequently as you can. This helps them to live longer and bring out better flavors.

A 2 step method is about the best there is - and it's been mentioned previously on this thread but without all the details - so here they are:-

1) Blow the atty out. Do this by either stuffing a piece of tissue into the atomizer opening and blowing hard into the threads OR by wrapping the threads in tissue and blowing into the atty opening. The former works best on bridged atty's and the later on tankomizer attys.

2) A couple times a week do a vodka or rubbing alcohol swish-rinse (vodka is the better of the 2). Just pour a bit of the alcohol into the atty opening - swish a few seconds and pour out. Let it dry. A short dry burn to follow unless you do step 3. (dry burn = one or two pushes of the manual button while the atty is attached).

3) Alcohol acts as an astringent and can dry out the bridge or pin. Drop a couple drops of straight VG onto the atty bridge (1 drop if it's a tankomizer pin) - then attach the atty to the battery and take a couple short puffs - until you see good vapor. This step conditions the atty and keeps it going better, longer. If you don't have VG - you can use a couple drops of whatever liquid you're about to vape. Flavored liquids are not as health as VG for the atty - but will do in a pinch.

Good luck!
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Nov 20, 2009
Western Canada
Do what Kat said for sure. But in my experience regardless of super maintenance, 510's seem prone to the burnt atty taste , and I don't think its the shipping fluid as Kat says. Some members here have disassembled really nasty attys and found burnt components inside.

I personally got tired of 510 burnt atty tastes so I started using SLB 901 attys and have never had the burnt atty issue or any abnormal nasty taste issue with them. Its always been an issue with 510's, and even after a couple years ive still not heard a 100% conclusive answer to the cause.
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