1st time buyer, all award winners steeped and reviewed

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Hey guys, my husband and I are new quitters since this past September. We skipped through the go-stick phase and jumped from evod to drippers in less than a month. Go big or go home! I use a Magma clone on a Panzer clone setup in dual coil at 0.7 ohms. Hubby has Veritas clone on dna 30 box in single horizontal coil at 1.3 ohms. We've only tried a few vendors so far (AVE, MBV, Plume Room, Vapor Chef and NT). We haven't tried many flavors from PR and VC, but we've tried the important stuff from AVE and we've had quite a few from mount baker Vapor (love their prices and customer service). Thanks to my hubby's infatuation with searching stuff that we might spend money on, we think we've had a good run so far in choices of companies and flavors. He managed to find this site and NT, and put alot of faith in the reviews and awards. At the beginning of October we received 50 ml bottles of H1N1, GCD, CLS, CB, Gravity, Betelgeuse, and a little Strawnilla on the side. Here is our thoughts from beginning to 1.5 months:

In the beginning (day 1)
GCD was awesome sauce. Tasted like the mailman baked a cinnamon roll and shoved it in a bottle and into the mailbox.
Betelgeuse was just as good as I had hoped it would be. Like a fruit medley, but made with fruit instead of candy or whatever the other folks think passes for fruit.
CLS tasted like a vanilla bean spludged in my mouth.
CB tasted like a vanilla car freshener was liquified and I stupidly smoked it.
H1N1 tasted like Katy or Clark must have messed up the order and gave me another CLS or CB...either way just as bad.
Strawnilla was just as much vanilla as the others that had vanilla, and just as bad.
Gravity seemed to be impossibly off. It actually started to turn my hubby's stomach. He wanted to give it a new award....2 fingers up!

Hubby follows NT steep plan (day 3)
We consulted the steep guide on the NT site and my hubby took the drip caps off for 12 hours. We then vaped for another couple days tasting everything.

Betelgeuse was even better than we thought originally. Now this was finally something we would call an ADV.
GCD was just as tasty. No change.
Gravity made a huge jump. Not only did it not suck, my hubby said it might take over top spot if it continued to improve at that rate.
CLS was toned down quite a bit. It didn't blow out our taste buds with overly strong vanilla.
CB was just like CLS to me; however, my hubby said he tasted the flamed caramel too.
H1N1 was my least favorite (by far) but my hubby said he could taste the tobacco now through the vanilla.
Strawnilla was more toned down, just as the other vanillas, but we wondered if there was any strawberry in it. Maybe it was Frenilla instead?

Once is good so twice is...? (day 7-10)
Better! After the hubby popped the tops for another day things were really changing up quickly. This took place about 7-10 days after receiving the package.

Betelgeuse was still my favorite. Not much change, but why change when it's already yummy?
Gravity had made another huge improvement. Hubby said it was tied with Betelgeuse. I said not quite...but close.
GCD was no change again. Still outstanding as day 1. Making me hungry thinking about the taste even typing this now.
CLS had mellowed down. This was a tasty vape. I had never eaten a custard, so my hubby took me to a restaurant and we tried some. Yummy
CB also mellowed out. I preferred CLS, but my hubby liked CB more. He said it was the caramel, which I still struggled to taste.
H1N1 was still my least favorite. Hubby kept trying it more and more, saying that it was improving and he was actually starting to like it. IDK why.
Strawnilla was still the same. Straight nilla. No straw.

Shake, store, drip (day 21-30)
We originally thought our success rate was 2 of 6, but the ones we didn't like just kept getting better.

Gravity had went from the bottom of the pile to the top. This stuff is good. The two breathe days and about 2 weeks of steep time made this crazy delicious.
Betelgeuse was still amazing! Gravity was just amazing....er?
CLS was great, and I knew what a custard was supposed to taste like now so I could tell it was great!
H1N1 was hubby's #2. I still didn't like it in week 3, but found myself vaping it instead of my gorilla juice occasionally. Week 4 I was vaping more.
CB was almost as good as CLS. Very yummy, but I'd grab the CLS more often if I wanted a custard.
GCD fell down the list for us. It was still delicious, but everything else had just improved so much. Now almost everything we ordered was outstanding.
Strawnilla was nilla. I wanted the strawberries. The picture made my mouth water thinking of strawberries and cream. Someone left out the berries.

Final Results (day 45ish)

Everything is great. Some are just greater.

H1N1 is my new number 1. I hated it until a couple weeks ago. My hubby told me the gorilla juice was garbage by comparison 3 weeks ago. He was right, damn it.
Gravity is better. Katy is right, Clark. This stuff is absolutely heavenly. To those that voted for Betelgeuse instead...you are among friends. So, stop lying.
Betelgeuse is such killer vape. Katy may be right, but not my much. It's so good that you really can't go wrong. Order both.
CLS is next on my list but hubby prefers CB. It's great I can vape it all day, just like the ones above it.
GCD/CB are both excellent. I can't decide which I like better. Both are simply yummy.
Strawnilla actually started to have a hint of strawberry taste in it. If the strawberry continues to come out then it'll probably be amazing. If not then the hubby and I are going to get some strawberry from Mount Baker Vapor when we order next month and add it to the mix. Fingers crossed for a 2 month steep mega move in taste so that it'll be a clean sweep in awesomeness for all the NT flavors we've tried.

As a side note I'd like to say that the customer service from NT is wonderful. My husband and I chatted with Katy and she was very helpful, nice and easy to talk with. I'd bet Clark is the same. What my hubby calls "good people". The delivery was very fast and we were updated by email every step of the way. Only 2 companies that we've dealt with that have that kind of service and that kind of friendliness is NT and MBV. Guess who is going to get repeat business from us? Although, it helps that NT's juice is wicked good stuff. My hubby says if NT does all that and match MBV prices he'll make a 10 exclusive contract to buy only from them! Thanks for reading, and if you haven't bought from NT yet then you need to. There are other juices out there, and I'll try many more, but these guys make juice so good make you wanna slap yo momma!
Oh, I almost forgot to ask, what happened to the 500 ml size? I tried to order some more H1N1 tonight since my hubby and I are going through it fast now, and we want the GRANDE size, but they only have up to 50 ml. Please, tell me this is a temporary situation. We were really hoping to get a big order of our favorites to stock up at big bottle prices.

edit: Speaking of prices, when did the prices go up? Between the prices and no 500 ml savings hubby's gonna freak.
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Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
Oct 14, 2014
Oh, I almost forgot to ask, what happened to the 500 ml size? I tried to order some more H1N1 tonight since my hubby and I are going through it fast now, and we want the GRANDE size, but they only have up to 50 ml. Please, tell me this is a temporary situation. We were really hoping to get a big order of our favorites to stock up at big bottle prices.

They have started a new production process and the 500mls are no more.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 12, 2013
S.F/ Seattle
Hello Michelle! Welcome to the family! Awesome review Mi'lady. The 500ml bottles are no more. Unfortunately, you just missed the cut off however, do not despair. The Virus is not going anywhere and as a matter of fact, It steeps quicker and better in the smaller bottles. As far as your selections go, you and your hubby picked some mighty fine flavors to get you started. If I had one suggestion, it would be to visit each flavor stand alone. It sounds as if you were sampling all the wares in the same day. No? Sometimes when vaping multiples in a day, the flavor from one may mute the other. The Strawnilla only gets better with age (as you are finding most do) and may I suggest letting it steep for at least a couple of months. My current bottle was born on 7/7 of this year and I can tell you this, It is awesome sauce!

While we are at it, may I introduce you to the two bottle method. One to play with and follow through the transitions and one to put away into the deep steep until in lands. The beauty of this( as you are finding out) is especially enjoyable with the Virus as it has a way of changing flavors throughout the steeping cycle like no other. For an extra little treat, don't be afraid to tip a little CLS or CB into it as well.

In any case, we're all glad you found us.In the mean time, pull up a comfortable chair, kick off those shoes and stay a while. You'll find a whole bunch of great folks here in the NuT hOuSe.
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Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
Oct 14, 2014
Welcome to the NuThouse first off!

Eloquent and meticulous! Great post. Loved reading it.
You guys have given me hope for the Gravity that's sitting in a box. I believe I will revisit it soon!

Thanks for posting. Sorry about the 500 ml bottles though...

Wait, No Wakonda? Try it...

I would be lying if I didn't think that too. :p
Perhaps I'm a little slow, since it is late here and I have this bad habit of applying what i affectionately call logic, but what kind of new production process does someone willingly implement that simultaneously costs more and produces less (smaller bottles)? What benefit does it bring that cancels both of those negative aspects? Is shipping instantaneous? Do I push the buy button and immediately walk out to my mailbox? Hubby's gonna be really unhappy because he's naturally frugal, and probably feel embarrassed since he took all of our NT juice down to the local B&M to talk up NT to the manager. I don't think I'm gonna tell him. Maybe just let him find out when he goes to order. Gonna be a sad panda.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 11, 2014
Long Island
It's NT's bid to be established in the premium market. That means flat pricing models and glass bottles. There are rumblings of a 120 mL bottle at some point, but just rumblings so far. As some one whose main orders are H1N1 and short run flavors, I don't really feel the price increase. I never got into the 7.99 for 15 mL offerings, so it's tough for me to empathize. I'd put the quality of the NT liquids up against the lot of vendors that are at the $27.99 price point.

You feel like you got a bum rap (and I'm not saying that you didn't), because the pricing changed as you discovered NT. For people who have been ordering from NT for a while, this comes as much less of a surprise. A lot of that is because the company was quite visible about their changes and what it meant for the 500 mL size and the reasons behind going to flat pricing. I also wish I had socked a 500 of Virus away. However, the new pricing structure isn't enough to drive me away. Life's too short to vape bad juice.


Ultra Member
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May 13, 2014
South Central PA, USA
Welcome and great choices for a first time buy.
Sounds like your both are infected!
The transition is to be able to be ahead of the fda in regulations.... the new place and system is high tech clean room grade... so nt will be ready for regulations.... and be able to supply larger volumes commercially...the prices haven't went up much.... some have even been lowered!
Personally, I sometimes like the virus fresh, sometimes steeped....whatever, its nice either way IMO.
If the new process did instantly teleport to my doorstep, I would be kinda upset.. I like the anticipation of vapemail! ;) (as long as it gets here sorta fast, which nt does extremely well)...


Super Member
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Jul 27, 2014
Pocono PA
Welcome Michelle. Great review - great choices. So nice that you took the time to stop by and share your NT journey.

You can read more about NT's recent changes here: Transition Time

Short of it is that NT is growing and invested in a new production process that will support their emerging wholesale business and hopefully address upcoming FDA regulations. New facilities - new labels and bottles - same love sprinkled into each batch. Clark has mentioned that they are considering a bulk buy discount, but I don't think there are any details to share on this yet.

Like others have suggested - get some Wakonda when you can. The warrior juice is quite a special concoction. You might also really like Hummingbird. It's killer in a dripper and if you dig the fruit vapes you'll probably love that one too.

Hope to see you around!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 13, 2014
South Central PA, USA
And here is one about prices and the bigger bottles termination:


We've taken the 500ml bottles off the website indefinitely.

By the end of the week, the 50ml cease to exist and we will roll out the 60ml bottles site-wide... the pricing on all products will be changed to the following...

15ml - 9.99 (66c/ml)
30ml - 18.99 (63c/ml)
60ml - 34.99 (58c/ml)

Net-net, the "short-runs" that are presently $11.99 are going down, the $9.99 flavors are staying the same, and the $7.99 flavors are going up. (we're trying to get some standardization across the entire product line). This pricing is on the LOW end of what we anticipated charging... we hope you are all breathing a sigh of relief. (Although, you all know me well enough by now that I despise price increases)

We have previously stated that pricing may be higher, but that we would be running a standing coupon... INSTEAD, we decided to forget the coupon game and play it like we always have - ask exactly what the liquid is worth and not mess with the coupon. (Shell games suck)

All bottles will continue to be overfilled... (expected any less?)

15ml will have *at least* an extra .5ml
30ml will have *at least* an extra 1ml
60ml will have *at least* and extra 2ml

New amber glass bottles will begin shipping by the end of the week... new labels...

15ml bottles will include a child-resistant medicine style eye dropper.
30ml and 60ml bottles will have a regular cap.

We are ordering eye-droppers for the 30ml and 60ml bottles, they should be in in 2-3 weeks.

Initially caps will be black, but we already have purple caps on order. :)

New website should roll out this week - including a new blog I will be updating with some regularity.

Sorry you didn't get in on it in time!
I always wanted to order one myself...but its gonna be alright! :vapor:

Kent Brooks

Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Apr 24, 2013
Omaha, Nebraska, United States
Hey guys, my husband and I are new quitters since this past September. We skipped through the go-stick phase and jumped from evod to drippers in less than a month. Go big or go home! I use a Magma clone on a Panzer clone setup in dual coil at 0.7 ohms. Hubby has Veritas clone on dna 30 box in single horizontal coil at 1.3 ohms. We've only tried a few vendors so far (AVE, MBV, Plume Room, Vapor Chef and NT). We haven't tried many flavors from PR and VC, but we've tried the important stuff from AVE and we've had quite a few from Mount Baker Vapor (love their prices and customer service). Thanks to my hubby's infatuation with searching stuff that we might spend money on, we think we've had a good run so far in choices of companies and flavors. He managed to find this site and NT, and put alot of faith in the reviews and awards. At the beginning of October we received 50 ml bottles of H1N1, GCD, CLS, CB, Gravity, Betelgeuse, and a little Strawnilla on the side. Here is our thoughts from beginning to 1.5 months:

In the beginning (day 1)
GCD was awesome sauce. Tasted like the mailman baked a cinnamon roll and shoved it in a bottle and into the mailbox.
Betelgeuse was just as good as I had hoped it would be. Like a fruit medley, but made with fruit instead of candy or whatever the other folks think passes for fruit.
CLS tasted like a vanilla bean spludged in my mouth.
CB tasted like a vanilla car freshener was liquified and I stupidly smoked it.
H1N1 tasted like Katy or Clark must have messed up the order and gave me another CLS or CB...either way just as bad.
Strawnilla was just as much vanilla as the others that had vanilla, and just as bad.
Gravity seemed to be impossibly off. It actually started to turn my hubby's stomach. He wanted to give it a new award....2 fingers up!

Hubby follows NT steep plan (day 3)
We consulted the steep guide on the NT site and my hubby took the drip caps off for 12 hours. We then vaped for another couple days tasting everything.

Betelgeuse was even better than we thought originally. Now this was finally something we would call an ADV.
GCD was just as tasty. No change.
Gravity made a huge jump. Not only did it not suck, my hubby said it might take over top spot if it continued to improve at that rate.
CLS was toned down quite a bit. It didn't blow out our taste buds with overly strong vanilla.
CB was just like CLS to me; however, my hubby said he tasted the flamed caramel too.
H1N1 was my least favorite (by far) but my hubby said he could taste the tobacco now through the vanilla.
Strawnilla was more toned down, just as the other vanillas, but we wondered if there was any strawberry in it. Maybe it was Frenilla instead?

Once is good so twice is...? (day 7-10)
Better! After the hubby popped the tops for another day things were really changing up quickly. This took place about 7-10 days after receiving the package.

Betelgeuse was still my favorite. Not much change, but why change when it's already yummy?
Gravity had made another huge improvement. Hubby said it was tied with Betelgeuse. I said not quite...but close.
GCD was no change again. Still outstanding as day 1. Making me hungry thinking about the taste even typing this now.
CLS had mellowed down. This was a tasty vape. I had never eaten a custard, so my hubby took me to a restaurant and we tried some. Yummy
CB also mellowed out. I preferred CLS, but my hubby liked CB more. He said it was the caramel, which I still struggled to taste.
H1N1 was still my least favorite. Hubby kept trying it more and more, saying that it was improving and he was actually starting to like it. IDK why.
Strawnilla was still the same. Straight nilla. No straw.

Shake, store, drip (day 21-30)
We originally thought our success rate was 2 of 6, but the ones we didn't like just kept getting better.

Gravity had went from the bottom of the pile to the top. This stuff is good. The two breathe days and about 2 weeks of steep time made this crazy delicious.
Betelgeuse was still amazing! Gravity was just amazing....er?
CLS was great, and I knew what a custard was supposed to taste like now so I could tell it was great!
H1N1 was hubby's #2. I still didn't like it in week 3, but found myself vaping it instead of my gorilla juice occasionally. Week 4 I was vaping more.
CB was almost as good as CLS. Very yummy, but I'd grab the CLS more often if I wanted a custard.
GCD fell down the list for us. It was still delicious, but everything else had just improved so much. Now almost everything we ordered was outstanding.
Strawnilla was nilla. I wanted the strawberries. The picture made my mouth water thinking of strawberries and cream. Someone left out the berries.

Final Results (day 45ish)

Everything is great. Some are just greater.

H1N1 is my new number 1. I hated it until a couple weeks ago. My hubby told me the gorilla juice was garbage by comparison 3 weeks ago. He was right, damn it.
Gravity is better. Katy is right, Clark. This stuff is absolutely heavenly. To those that voted for Betelgeuse instead...you are among friends. So, stop lying.
Betelgeuse is such killer vape. Katy may be right, but not my much. It's so good that you really can't go wrong. Order both.
CLS is next on my list but hubby prefers CB. It's great I can vape it all day, just like the ones above it.
GCD/CB are both excellent. I can't decide which I like better. Both are simply yummy.
Strawnilla actually started to have a hint of strawberry taste in it. If the strawberry continues to come out then it'll probably be amazing. If not then the hubby and I are going to get some strawberry from Mount Baker Vapor when we order next month and add it to the mix. Fingers crossed for a 2 month steep mega move in taste so that it'll be a clean sweep in awesomeness for all the NT flavors we've tried.

As a side note I'd like to say that the customer service from NT is wonderful. My husband and I chatted with Katy and she was very helpful, nice and easy to talk with. I'd bet Clark is the same. What my hubby calls "good people". The delivery was very fast and we were updated by email every step of the way. Only 2 companies that we've dealt with that have that kind of service and that kind of friendliness is NT and MBV. Guess who is going to get repeat business from us? Although, it helps that NT's juice is wicked good stuff. My hubby says if NT does all that and match MBV prices he'll make a 10 exclusive contract to buy only from them! Thanks for reading, and if you haven't bought from NT yet then you need to. There are other juices out there, and I'll try many more, but these guys make juice so good make you wanna slap yo momma!

That's a crazy journey. I am not at all surprised about your experience with The Virus - stuff grows on people like a fungus - I'm pretty convinced if people give it a go and pick it up with regularity it will usually "click."

Betelgeuse is still better. LMAO

Welcome to the NuThouse - and - thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!! I really enjoyed reading this!!

Kent Brooks

Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Apr 24, 2013
Omaha, Nebraska, United States
Oh, I almost forgot to ask, what happened to the 500 ml size? I tried to order some more H1N1 tonight since my hubby and I are going through it fast now, and we want the GRANDE size, but they only have up to 50 ml. Please, tell me this is a temporary situation. We were really hoping to get a big order of our favorites to stock up at big bottle prices.

edit: Speaking of prices, when did the prices go up? Between the prices and no 500 ml savings hubby's gonna freak.

The 500ml bottles had to go, for lots of reasons... the most important one is brand integrity. Unfortunately, there were lots of people purchasing 500ml bottles and reselling for upwards of $1/ml. We try to make liquid affordable, we're not too into people flipping our liquid and ripping people off with it. We had people all over the world complaining about "authorized distributors" that were never authorized, that were diluting the liquid for profit, etc. Sad, I know - diluted liquid for twice the price.

The prices "leveled off". Some went down (Strawnilla, Band Camp, ACB, Banana Pudding, Butterscotch Pudding, Raz Cup, Got Cookie?, Sure Bert)... <<<Speaking of which, Got Cookie should be back next week, in glass! The rest should be back before the end of the year

We removed the site-wide 20% discount (no coupon required) on CLS, CB, GCD, Betelgeuse, Gravity - they've always been $9.99, we've just been discounting them for a looooong time.

The $9.99 flavors stayed the same.

More flavors went down in price than went up, actually!

The pricing thing was just getting complicated with three different tiers of pricing... we were subsidizing cheap "core flavors" with more expensive short-runs for a median price of $9.99. This way the playing field is even.

Also, we are ramping up a wholesale program and one of the residual concerns of potential retailers is that the prices on the website be the same as MSRP - they don't want to get their customers hooked on NT and then lose them back to the website. MSRP on the bottles in the retail stores is a reasonable $9.99 for an overfilled 15ml bottle with a dropper, or $18.99 for an overfilled 30ml with a flat CRC cap. We're still having a conversation about 60ml pricing... not sure exactly where that will land just yet, but it will definitely be south of 60c/ml.
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Kent Brooks

Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Apr 24, 2013
Omaha, Nebraska, United States
And here is one about prices and the bigger bottles termination:


Sorry you didn't get in on it in time!
I always wanted to order one myself...but its gonna be alright! :vapor:

As noted above, the pricing on the 60ml bottles is very much under consideration. When we totally deplete the 50ml bottles (which should be TODAY?) - and we finally receive the remainder of our first glass bottle order - the web-site will be updated from 50s to 60s and the prices will be changed to reflect that... just not sure where that 60ml will land - crunching the numbers today actually.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 8, 2014
Upstate, SC, USA
As noted above, the pricing on the 60ml bottles is very much under consideration. When we totally deplete the 50ml bottles (which should be TODAY?) - and we finally receive the remainder of our first glass bottle order - the web-site will be updated from 50s to 60s and the prices will be changed to reflect that... just not sure where that 60ml will land - crunching the numbers today actually.

Whatever you decide will surely be fair and the phenomenal juice WILL BE WORTH EVERY PENNY AND THEN SOME!!! :D:vapor: love you guys and your juice!!! :wub:


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 25, 2010
Kansas City Missouri
Welcome Michelle:) sure enjoyed reading your 45 day journey of testing your choices.

Your Husband is Right CB for the win:thumb: one of my absolute favorites.

Most of Kents and Katy's juices are sooo much better if you can hold off and let them steep:)

Virus, hmmmm, isn't that a Special one:) I had to let mine steep for 3 months and I taste choc and tobacco:confused: BUT LOVE IT:laugh:
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