What I love about vaping-the cottage industry factor

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Jun 20, 2011
New Orleans, LA
I'm new to all this. Started on 6/15. Here's one thing I love about vaping and I think it is really cool.

This is all a grass roots type of business and most of the vendors are not huge multi-national conglomerate corporations. I know there might be a few vendors out there that do a substantial amount of revenue and so on, but I love the fact that there are people out there modding their own devices, juice, accessories and gadgets. I love it when I buy a new juice from some vendor who made it in his garage lab. Phillip Morris isn't getting any more of my damn money. It will be people like you and me instead. My local and state government isn't going to charge me with a tax on my already problematic addiction.

I don't think I've saved any money vaping yet, but I do feel a lot better about where my money is going. This one small sphere of the economy seems to be doing just fine.


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May 15, 2011
Toronto, Canada
I agree. Hand built mods, DIY juices, great people, awesome customer service, and the wonderful comunity I've found both online and in person through vaping.

Not everyone will agree, but I'm just happy enough to be left alone, and to be not smoking anymore. When business gets big, it's the customers that usually lose.


Ultra Member
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Mar 14, 2011
I'm scared of that mohawx. Maybe I will need to stock up for the approaching vaping disaster.

Well, it's not going to be like the assault weapons ban or anything like that. Products will have to be labeled with a complete list of ingredients, vendors will need licenses, state and local governments will tax the nicotine. It will be regulated similar to snus and other pouch tobacco. Not like cigarettes. Many small vendors will probably not survive the shakeout and on-line purchases will probably not be as open as they are now. Enjoy the "anything goes" market now. FDA stated they would have regulations in place in two years once they determined that e-cigs are a tobacco product and not a pharmaceutical device. They are 6 months into that 2 year process now.


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Jul 8, 2011
Well, it's not going to be like the assault weapons ban or anything like that. Products will have to be labeled with a complete list of ingredients, vendors will need licenses, state and local governments will tax the nicotine. It will be regulated similar to snus and other pouch tobacco. Not like cigarettes. Many small vendors will probably not survive the shakeout and on-line purchases will probably not be as open as they are now. Enjoy the "anything goes" market now. FDA stated they would have regulations in place in two years once they determined that e-cigs are a tobacco product and not a pharmaceutical device. They are 6 months into that 2 year process now.

When the government and the FDA stand back..some of us can actually ride without training wheels. Fancy that.

But they will step back in and tie anchors on.


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Apr 1, 2011
I'm new to all this. Started on 6/15. Here's one thing I love about vaping and I think it is really cool.

This is all a grass roots type of business and most of the vendors are not huge multi-national conglomerate corporations. I know there might be a few vendors out there that do a substantial amount of revenue and so on, but I love the fact that there are people out there modding their own devices, juice, accessories and gadgets. I love it when I buy a new juice from some vendor who made it in his garage lab. Phillip Morris isn't getting any more of my damn money. It will be people like you and me instead. My local and state government isn't going to charge me with a tax on my already problematic addiction.

I don't think I've saved any money vaping yet, but I do feel a lot better about where my money is going. This one small sphere of the economy seems to be doing just fine.

Excellent post. You are correct, there are a few large players in the industry, but they'd qualify as medium sized businesses at best. Right now we're kind of at the infancy of an industry before massive consolidation and regulation step in to homogenize things a little more. I think the landscape will continue to evolve but for now it feels way more like a community than an industry.
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