Questions about steeping....SILLY NOOB QUESTIONS!!

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Ok, so I bought an E-roll from LiteCigUSA and I also got some juices from AVE (Apple Jolly Rancher, Gummy Bear, Boba's Bounty, etc.) which came on the same day. Up until then, I was using disposable Logic e-cigarettes. I just have some questions about steeping. First, how it is done? How long should most e-juices steep for? I've been reading that you should leave them in a cool dark place like a closet. The only thing is I have like 30 sample juices and if I steep them all, then I will have nothing to vape. Got a couple of sample packs from Aqua Vapor Cigs that came today along with my eGo CE starter kit that came with 5 CE4 clearos.

I'm just kinda confused about steeping. I started vaping about a month ago with the Logics, so I'm really really a newbie when it comes to the upgraded equipment.

I apologize for all the silly questions but I want to have an enjoyable vaping experience and I'm just not familiar with steeping.

Thanks in advance for your help!!


Ultra Member
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Jun 27, 2011
North Las Vegas
Welcome , and some juices , don't need steeping . Some do . Usually the vendor will say if they do , or not . I usually put them on a shelf , in my closet , with the top cap removed , for a day . Then put the cap back on , and leave for a week , or more . Shake ( mix ) everyday , if you think of it . As far as no juice to vape , while the others are steeping . Try a few of them , and see how they taste . If they're good , they might be even better with steeping . If they stink , steeping might improve them a bit , but will still not be great . Boba's was one I hated , until it steeped for a few weeks . Another was from backwoods brew . I think , all of their juices improve with steeping . Well at least that's how I do it . Good Luck .


Vaping Master
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Apr 9, 2013
Houston, TX
From what I understand juice only needs steeping if it was made fresh when you ordered it. I don't know about other sources by Mt Baker Vapor is a mix to order vendor so their stuff normally needs steeped at least a day or two. If it pre-packaged juice (meaning not made to order) then it is probably already steeped.

I personally just shake mine up open the top and leave a day or two, close it up and shake daily for a few more days. Some have said that dipping the closed bottles in warm water can speed up the process. I have not tried that. Juice tends to change color as the flavor becomes bonded with the PG/VG mixture.
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