OK I dont know how to drip

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ECF Veteran
Jan 8, 2010
Northern Michigan USA
I never clean mine anymore. I have a whole box full of atties that I killed trying all the different cleaning methods on this site.

Yes you can just drip onto old flavors but the flavors will mix together for a while before the new flavor comes out. Some times it's a really good thing and sometimes it's not. Just think about it this way. Are you mixing flavers that would traditionaly go together? If so then drip one on top of the other. If not then don't.

Happy Vaping I hope this helps.


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Nov 17, 2010
Southern Utal
I have several atty's I change out; one for dessert flavors, one for mint flavors...etc. The easiest way I found to clean them is with straight VG. I dilute my VG with a little vodka and a little distilled water because straight VG is rather thick. It will work if you don't dilute the VG, it's just that it'll take a bit longer to burn off.
Drip the VG into your atty, burn for about 2 seconds. Remove the atty and blow into it holding a napkin at the screw in part; blow hard to remove the excess juice and VG. Place the atty back on the battery, dry burn for no more than a second. Place a drip or two of you fresh juice onto the atty, replace your tip and vape; you'll need to drip a few more drops through your drip tip to insure the atty is wet. That should remove all the residual juice flavor.


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ECF Veteran
May 4, 2010
Merced, CA
Thanks for all the tips, appreciate all the help. What i have been doing is just drip the new juice on top of old, i just keep dripping the new one and i assume the taste of the old juice will eventually go away... but i will keep the vodka / vg juice trick in mind.

Plain PG or VG in the atty... drip as usual, and puff away (without inhaling, as there's no nicotine) until you mostly can't taste the old flavor anymore... then switch to the new flavor and let it wick in. Easy-peasy.
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