Ok her we go, I am looking to get an kr808 starter kit for my wife as she is set against larger batteries and filling her own carts or cartos. I MIGHT get her to try the larger types here in the house, and if so could hopefully evolve into more of a full time thing, because I am sure to be herding about how frequent she is having to charge her batteries regardless of which kr808 she gets. That being said I am looking to get may a starter kit or a combo of items which would include 2 batteries she could go Mobil with that could be charged in a pcc while on the go, the longest lasting batts that would fit into a pcc and the pcc wouldn't have to come in the kit. It could be from any where as long as it would be compatible and not overcharge the batts. Also 1 XL or Mega or elite, etc. I think these are somewhere around 380 mAh which what I've found so far don't seem to fit into any of the pcc's. If I am mistaken please inform me of where I could find a pcc to charge the 380 mAh kr808's as I would not need the smaller ones in that case. So with all that in mind are all these vendors and batts pretty much equal? If so or if not what are the best kr808d batts and what makes them better than another? V4l, v2, bloog, volt and so many more. I have seen an elite 808, a kr808 dm1, which claims to have a 480 mAh battery, are these also compatible with any 808 prefilled cartomizer? And are the much longer and thicker as I am sure she will not want a strange looking staggered size difference between the prefilled cartos and the batt. I would want them to all be compatible. I have another question about the larger style batts but will open a new thread so I can keep my topics seperared.
Thanks to you all, this is truley a great forum.
Thanks to you all, this is truley a great forum.