Juice collection

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 30, 2014
Independence, Louisiana, United States
Hello everyone, as a newish vaporer almost two months in I am becoming curious about the size of others juice collection. I am rather compulsive and presently have 30 to 40 differant flavors and maybe 10 more on its way.

Do most people go thru a phase of wanting to try every flavor under the sun and how long did this phase last? How many flavors do most people who been vaping a while and past this stage consider a daily vape flavor. I have 8 in rotation now.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 28, 2014
I did that when II first started to diy. I would make one flavor and think I wonder if this flavor would be good. I ended up with a lot of juice that sat around for a long time because I got tired of it. How long does that phase last????????? Depends if you find one that is your ADV "all day vape" Isn't it costing you a lot of money to buy all them? If that is not a problem then vape on :vapor:


Super Member
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Dec 31, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
Yep, I have a drawer containing at least 75 bottles of store bought.

So, I decided to go the DIY path.

Now, I have a chest of drawers containing 315 bottles of different flavorings, along with a gallon of VG and a gallon of PG - and a large bottle of nic...

Sitting next to a file cabinet full of small bottles, medium bottles, pipettes, droppers, syringes, mixing beakers and flasks, a magnetic stir plate, an ultrasonic cleaner, and a crock pot sitting next to the food dehydrator... Oh yea, there is a nice digital scale in there somewhere...

I'm not even going to attempt to list the attys and batteries...

It just keeps going and going...
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