Help with max VG juices

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Full Member
Jun 12, 2014
Hi all, I'm hoping you can help.

I have been vaping less than 1 year. My setup for the past 6 months has been the VV/VW iTaste MVP (shine?) with an aspire nautilus tank. I loved it. I mostly vaped 50/50 pg/vg blends or sometimes 40/60, 30/70, but never more VG than 70 (even that was RARE).

My boyfriend had ordered some max vg juice from white label co. that smelled great and I tried it. It didn't vape very well in my setup because: max VG. I had it at the highest settings 11w 5v and it helped but not by much.

Shortly thereafter, the MVP died. Just started shutting off randomly, wouldn't turn back on unless plugged in. Shut off randomly after that. So I gave up on it. (Not sure if these two things are related or not, I suppose it's possible though I only ever did the one tank of max VG juice).

He handed me down his 50w Siegli box mod. I vape pretty steadily at 9w with my nautilus tank and am very happy with it.

I would like to try some of the max vg juice from white label again as it is only $20 for 100ml and tastes pretty good. However I don't want to waste $20 on juice I can't use (they only make max vg juice).

My question is, now that I can turn up the wattage, will it wick any better in the Nautilus tank? Or is this a waste of my time? My rationale is: more watts=higher temperature=thinner juice (or should I say quicker burning juice?)=better/easier wicking.

Also: if vaping at higher watts will the juice taste burnt as PG juice tends to?
And: is this going to burn out my coils very fast?

I was thinking the thickness of the VG juice makes using the higher watts comparable to lower watts with pg but I'm just not sure.

All advice is appreciated!!


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Oct 3, 2014
Sacramento, CA
danbrooks nailed it already. Distilled water is your friend. 1 drop per ml should get you going depending on viscosity. In a mini Naut I would put in 3 drops per tank,and it would wick. Really with the power plant you have I would look at getting a lemo or billow or as already mentioned an Atlantis. Far superior vape to the Nautilus. I love my Atlantis it rocks max VG no problem. Even 100%VG works no problem. I just have to stay at 30 watts or lower with 100%VG.


PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
Thank you for the help.

Do you think it will wick okay though? I was vaping it at 11 w on my MVP (same coils) and it was difficult to get it to wick on the biggest air flow hole.

Large holes are for thinner juices. Use the smaller holes for thicker juices. The thicker the juice the more vacuum you need to create to make it feed. Juice feed from the tank to the wick depends on suction from the vacuum created when you vape and smaller holes lower air flow and create more suction on the juice in the tank to pull thicker juices into the coil area.

As many have posted, distilled water will ease the problem.
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Full Member
Jun 12, 2014
Thanks all for your help. Will the water mute the flavors more than max vg already does?

As far as the coils go- I might have been thinking of the old ones. The one I have now is reading 2.1 ohms so I'm guessing it's supposed to be a 1.8 ohm.

I also appreciate the tip about the air flow. When I vape my regular juices on the smaller air holes the nautilus floods. So I assumed the same would be true. Good to know the smaller ones are useful too.

As for the aspire Atlantis... I seem to recall my boyfriend buying one and not liking it. (He usually drips and uses RBAs though.) So maybe I'll just steal his...


PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
Thanks all for your help. Will the water mute the flavors more than max vg already does?

As far as the coils go- I might have been thinking of the old ones. The one I have now is reading 2.1 ohms so I'm guessing it's supposed to be a 1.8 ohm.

I also appreciate the tip about the air flow. When I vape my regular juices on the smaller air holes the nautilus floods. So I assumed the same would be true. Good to know the smaller ones are useful too.

As for the aspire Atlantis... I seem to recall my boyfriend buying one and not liking it. (He usually drips and uses RBAs though.) So maybe I'll just steal his...

Water in the right proportions will just thin the juice enough to make it wick more efficiently. There shouldn't be a lot of flavor loss, although any time you thin, you drop the proportion of the flavoring in the juice. 3 drops to a tank shouldn't make much of a difference.

I add about 10% extra Humco VG to my 80pg/20vg juices sometimes by adding it to a tank. 10% VG causes a slight flavor reduction but it also adds it's own nuances to the flavor. There's a little sweetness from the VG.
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