help please regarding hana dna 30

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Jun 30, 2010
Face down in the gutter, USA
The max output on the DNA 30 clone is 30 watts, your nemesis with a .5 build and a fully charged battery would be ~35watts, so the nemesis will likely hit a little harder, but it shouldn't really be an extreme difference.

And no the authentic wouldn't hit any harder (possibly a tiny bit as info seems to indicate auth DNA 30's handle top end wattage better).

If you really need that much power, you could look into the IPV's and other 35-50watt+ mods that are rolling out.


Full Member
May 27, 2014
i have 2 6/7 wrap 26 guage coils in it, my kayfun has one of those it says .7 ohms and seems to work more consistently but it doesn't crackle and isn't preforming anywhere near what it does on my nemesis, i think there is something wrong with this hana clone, its my first variable wattage device any tips on what would be the best builds for it with a zenith v2 rda and a kayfun 3.1


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Dec 29, 2012
Champaign, Illinois
I just got my hana clone from fasttech and iam not blowing very big clouds I have a .5 ohm dual coil in a zenith v2 when I put it on my nemesis I am chucking vape , my question is if I buy the real thing will it out preform my mechanical mod, because this clone sure isnt

It seems like you were one of the unlucky ones that got one with issues, it still happens but is getting better. It should perform exactly the same as the real thing. File a claim with fasttech and they will replace it. The resistance shouldn't be bouncing around, that is the first clue that you need to send it back. Get on it right away and you will have your replacement sooner and be in working order.

Seriously, don't just think "oh well" get on them and get what you paid money for. They will make it right.


Vaping Master
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Aug 14, 2013
I guess no one ever read up on chips or devices.....dna 30 typical ohm is 1.5. Crack up a 1.5 and watch the clouds come out.



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Dec 29, 2012
Champaign, Illinois
I guess no one ever read up on chips or devices.....dna 30 typical ohm is 1.5. Crack up a 1.5 and watch the clouds come out.

View attachment 358667

We know what the suggested resistance for the chip is, that doesn't matter though because theirs isn't reading resistance accurately or consistently. This means either they need to get handy with a soldering iron, or since it is under warranty with fasttech get it replaced.

The resistance jumping around is an issue with the quality, it WILL affect the vape since the chip can't accurately do it's calculations and provide the power needed. Get it replaced and you will be in working order.

If you don't want to wait on a replacement then do a refund and get your money back.

Edit: By the way, they may suggest to use a 1.5ohm coil, but the chip handles a 0.5ohm coil just fine and provides all the power needed. Now if they were trying to run a 0.5ohm at say 10 watts then you will have problems because the chip doesn't regulate down. They are trying to run at 30 watts though and the chip will do that all day long, well until the battery runs out anyways.
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Vaping Master
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Aug 22, 2009
Ive had that same thing happen using the vaporshark on builds that low.. I find using a mech much more enjoyable at .5 ohm builds..

Dont think it is your device.. Raise your ohms up to 1.4 - 1.7 on the Zenith and try it at higher ohms on the DNA. Think you will find it works better.. And your battery life wont suffer as much.. But for real low ohms I would stay with the mech..


ECF Guru
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Apr 23, 2011
Boston MA
0.5 ohms is the maximum low limit for a DNA30. If your coil build is the tiniest bit wonky then yeah, I'm not surprised the DNA is acting like there is a problem.

Before you go writing off the mod rebuild your coil, and build something that isn't pushing the maxx limit of the DNA 30. Geez, even a 0.7 ohm build...


Super Member
Jun 21, 2014
The Netherlands
I did some research to modz bc I like to vape with 2.0 Ohm coils, the hana mod seems to give an excellent performance with ohms between the 1.5 till 2.5, this is why I want to try the hana clone myself as well even I don't like clones but anyway, its just what you said, 250 dollar is a lot of money and to import it to The Netherlands is even a lot more, lets see what it does and if I gonna like this mod.

But be aware a clone will never perform like an authentic, but it will be not that huge difference.
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