Well, I've been rebuilding Kanger single coils @ 2.4 ohm for close to a year now but suppose that doesn't really count?
Some months ago my local B&M owner, knowing my penchant for older style low power devices, GAVE me 2 RTAs with the comment that he'd never be able to sell these relics anyway. One was an authentic Eleaf Lemo the other a Rocket KF Clone. Took them home and tossed them in a corner on my desk and forgot them. Couple weeks ago I decided to dig out the Lemo and try to get a 1.2 ohm build on it. (Lowest my mods will fire) All I have is 30ga wire but I nailed the 1.2 with a simple 2mm ID spaced 4 wrap. I'm so impressed with the vape that I ordered a second Lemo. But I was kinda thinking that 4 wrap coil was kinda, ummm well, only 4 wraps ya know. So today I got bored and decided to try my hand at a twisted 30ga 2mm ID. Nailed my 1.2 again with 8 wraps. This time it actually LOOKS like a coil that's meant to do something. But ramp time is horrendous and I'm not really noticing any improved vapor production even with the increased surface area. Is it my 15 watt max power Mods? Or is it that 1.2 is 1.2 no matter the surface area? My phone camera leaves a lot to be desired but I'm still purdy proud of my first attempt at a twisted coil. No drill by the way, just tiny vise grips and an even tinier screwdriver. The twists are a lot tighter than they look with my lousy camera. Can't have all the amenities when you live most of your life in an 18 wheel Rollin rubber room.
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Yep, it counts. Just build for what your mod can handle. The one I have, I can go 5 ohm to 0.8 ohm. I can't even think about how to build a 5 ohm coil.. lol but thats what the website says I can build sooooo, Ill take their word for it.. even if i never actually DO it.
Remember, we are just building simple coils for someone new to building coils.
IE.. for clouds, I would use a flat ribbon wire or maybe 6 wraps of 28ga. For a more flavor build.. I would use 4 wraps of twisted 30ga or 1 single 30ga claptoned with a 30ga wrap. Thats on a low power unit, like a vapepen. On a regular, reg mod, you can get a bit fancier.. like at 40w 9 wraps of 26ga kanthal will give real nice clouds, and 6 wraps of clapton will give decent flavor. Nothing compared to those insane sub ohm builds you see on youtube, but then, you wont be blowing through a 5000ft spool of wire to get 1 6 inch coil.
ok in order of importance.. Don't use a coil with a long ramp up on a low wattage device. Remember ohms law? Just a nudge. lol.. Im sure you do. Anyway, the reason is, a heavy coil, even if it is at 1.2 ohm puts a big drain on a battery that wasn't designed to handle it.. hence more heat within the battery, gasses.. and BOOM.. or POP.. either way, bad juju. In this case, you want to consider it to be a cross between a Regulated and Mech, Yes, the regulated will help, but that battery will still heat up. This was the advice given to me by Jason, from the local shop. You can get away with a little bit.. but I wouldn't fire the coil more than 4 times between charges. (charges not being power, but time to cool down)
No drill? Try a coat hanger.. Bend it into the shape of a crank for an old model T car.. __I"""" and mount it to a board or something so you can just turn it like a handle.
Ok Now this next is what I've been doing... building low wattage, high heat coils.
So lemme see.. flavor + fog at 15w. Hmmmm
try 6 wraps on a 2.0mm core using 0.5x0.1 kanthal ribbon wire.
or 6 1/2 wraps of twisted 32ga kanthal on a 2.0 core.