Hey, friend, it's good to see you. I just got back from my doctor who recommended for me to decrease my dosage by NO MORE than.5 percent every two weeks. (Really doesn't want to see me go back to analogs) So now, I vape 18 during the day and in two weeks go down to 17, then two weeks later down to 16... That is a lot of math for me, so I am going to go down 1 mg per month. Right now, I vape 10-12 at night. Eventually, I'd like to be down to 0 at night and really low during the day. If I like 0, I'll probably vape forever. I have two bottles of IKV RY4; one is 18 and the other 10. I am going to have to figure which percentage and mix them myself. My science major son said he'd help me diy this summer.