Cinnamon Flavors You've Tried - Can't find a good one!

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Hi Everyone,

I've been vaping for a week. I've tried several different flavors and am sticking to one that I absolutely LOVE! I'm thinking that I might like a cinnamon flavor. I tried one, but it is a bit "weak" Not enough cinnamon flavor. I want something like is super strong! What cinnamon options have you tried and from whom? I live in Tucson Arizona and usually get my stuff locally from FreedomSmokeUSA, but am open to other vendors if someone has a really good cinnamon option. Thanks in advance for your advice!

Just remember that a lot of cinnamon flavors will cause bad things to happen to tanks, and cartomizers. Both of the cinnamon flavors mentioned will do just that. Also, huge throat hit.

I'm a newbie. I use a Joye 510 and drip liquid on the atomizer. What do you mean by "bad things?" LOL! What's going to happen to my atomizer if I use Atomic Cinnacide?


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Apr 9, 2012
Athens, GA, US
There are lots of great threads on this! From what i've gathered, a lot of people love cinnacide because of its strength, and many folks (myself included) enjoy Ms. T's red hot cinnamon candy. She even has a more potent one in the testing area, but I have only used it to add cinnamon to other flavors. It's very hot!! I think you'll be happy with either choice, really.

As for delrin/plastic tanks and drip tips, they WILL crack when using cinnamon. Use aluminum drip tips on your atty for sure!!


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Apr 6, 2012
Wichita, KS, United States
My vote has to go to Atomic Cinnacide from Tasty Vapes- it's freaking amazing and the best juice I've tasted to date, but I find that I need a little break from it after vaping it constantly for two days solid. I mixed some of it with some Ms T's Snickerdoodle to tone it down a titch and let it sit for a while... omg, yum. I'm not sure anything will ever work for me again without a few drops of Cinnacide in it, lol.

I do know that it contains cinnamon oil, as opposed to regular flavoring, which is probably why I love it, but cinnamon oil can be a strong irritant (and can damage most plastics), so be careful with it.


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Apr 22, 2012
Tacoma, Wa
well there is two types of cinnamon, you have bakery types (cookies and such) or candy types like atomic fireball... i use a company called and they have fire and ice wich is the exact taste of an atomic fireball or redhot candy, and they also have cinnamon danish swirl wich is light on the bakery cinnamon taste,but very vapable..


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Jan 24, 2012
Muskegon, MI
I had Atomic Cinnacide actually burn my throat one time, at least that is what it felt like. I don't vape cinnamon flavors anymore after that episode. It is funny to watch people's initial reaction to Atomic Cinnacide or Cinna-Bomb, because they are both super strong. When you go with one of those, it is more of a whole mouth, throat, esophagus, lung hit than just a simple throat hit.
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