Chantix works

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 4, 2009
Outer Richmond, Frisco, CA
I quit a year or so ago, and Chantix made it really easy. You just take it everyday and continue smoking like normal. Eventually, 2 or 3 weeks later you just dont like the taste and don't crave it, and stop.

It would be interesting to see it's efficacy against e-smoking.

Yes I'm back to smoking, but it was after many months of being off Chantix.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 6, 2009
Kingston, Washington
I'm with you on that Lucky, I went through the same thing! Now there is a class action law suit against Chantix. See how big pharma got something pushed though and it turns out that the side effects are worse than we were led to believe (ie: suicide, black outs, etc)

Yes it did work for a short time, but I was miserable everyday. The nausea was almost unbearable.

I will stick with my e-cigs. No nausea, tastes great, not bitc*y, clean lungs... so far the best method to date for me!!

(hey Lucky, congrats on 4 days, 15 hours!, you can do it)


Full Member
Feb 11, 2009
seattle usa
I started on Chantix. After a week of being on Chantix my right arm started having severe pain. I quit Chantix after the pain started and 3 months later I still have severe pain in my arm. I can not raise my arm above my head without pain shooting up my arm. I know Chantix works for some but after what happened to me I would not suggest anyone using this drug.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 2, 2008
I quit a year or so ago, and Chantix made it really easy. You just take it everyday and continue smoking like normal. Eventually, 2 or 3 weeks later you just dont like the taste and don't crave it, and stop.

It would be interesting to see it's efficacy against e-smoking.

Yes I'm back to smoking, but it was after many months of being off Chantix.

So, you trade one drug for another drug?

Not an insult at you...basically, chantix is to smoking what methadone is to .......

They're both killers.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
You had a better time with Chantix than I did. It made me feel awfull, when I had a smoke it made me feel worse, when I took the next pill it made me feel worse, you get the picture. I finished the whole treatment $$$$, and still smoked, of course. Smoking my e-cig gives me pleasure, it doesn't kill me, why would I stop?

May your vapors be sweet and tasty, and your carts always full.



Moved On
Feb 12, 2009
I quit a year or so ago, and Chantix...I'm back to smoking, but it was after many months of being off Chantix.

I really chuckled at the irony of your post as edited above. Chantix is not supposed to be used forever. So, in the end, Chantix does not work, or did not work for you. I hope vaping turns out to be a better therapy.
I was on Chantix for several months. It did help me quit smoking (while I was taking it). But, it was hell. It made me very depressed and stressed-out. I had horrible dreams that I actually remembered after I woke up. In some cases I couldn't remember which events were real and which ones I only dreamed. In my opinion, Chantix is pure evil and I wouldn't recommend it. YMMV.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 3, 2009
Bonners Ferry, ID
After witnessing what it did to my brother-in-law I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. He was a very mild-mannered individual before starting Chantix. Immediately we saw a huge bad temper increase when he started taking. It was far more than the one that comes with quitting smoking. Very soon after he started it he also developed diabetes. He was able to quit smoking and still hasn't started to this date, almost 2 years, but still has the temper problem and the diabetes. It changed him and not for the good. I know it's better that he's not smoking, but again, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. I don't know if he got diabetes because of this drug but have heard other cases attributed to it. I'll stick to my ecigs thank you. I haven't had an analog since St Patty's Day so ecigs are working for me. :)


Ultra Member
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Verified Member
May 25, 2008
I talked with a friend yesterday who had taken Chantix. She quit for seven months, but we were outside smoking when she told me this. How can a drug be called successful if those who take it soon return to smoking after stopping the drug. How can a drug that carries the possibility of one losing his mind, taking his own life, changing his personality, developing diabetes be called a better alternative than smoking? I would rather take the risks of smoking tobacco than take a drug that could change who I am.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 20, 2009
I am another one who failed on Chantix. Tried once in Nov of 2007 when it was first released. Did well through March, and then I let stress put me right back smoking again. It did make me quite sick, but I was so tired of being chained to analogs that I didn't care.

The worst came on my second attempt in mid-2008. No clue as to why, but this time, it didn't make me physically ill -- it completely and totally changed my personality, and not for the good. I am single, so live alone -- making these kinds of changes impossible to see as it normally takes someone else to notice them. My BF at the time and my Boss were the two to pick up on it. It almost cost me my job.

I am normally very pleasant and class clown-ish and apparently I became bitter (!!) and nasty (!!!!). That has to be the most frightening thing I have ever experienced. Scary because it sounded like the boss was describing someone else, someone very unpleasant to be around -- but he was talking to me about me and I didn't see it.

It took 4 months working with a homeopathic doctor to get this poison out of my system and back to being myself. The boss had no idea I was on meds. Once he found out it went from "WTH is wrong with you lately" to "what do you need from us to help", so it worked out well in the end, but still.

I wouldn't go near this drug again even with a gun held to my head.


Full Member
Mar 6, 2009
So, you trade one drug for another drug?

Not an insult at you...basically, chantix is to smoking what methadone is to .......

They're both killers.

Not an insult to you but.........your statement "Chantix is to smoking what methodone is to ......" not true. Methodone is an opiate, when a ...... addict takes methodone he/she is basically taking the same drug in a different form. Although there are drugs that could be compared to a Chantix............ addicts also use suboxin, subutex, these drugs block the opiate high of .............much like ho chantix works for Nicotine. A more accurate statement would be "E-smoking is to smoking what methadone is to ......".....................


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 2, 2008
Not an insult to you but.........your statement "Chantix is to smoking what methodone is to ......" not true. Methodone is an opiate, when a ...... addict takes methodone he/she is basically taking the same drug in a different form. Although there are drugs that could be compared to a Chantix............ addicts also use suboxin, subutex, these drugs block the opiate high of .............much like ho chantix works for Nicotine. A more accurate statement would be "E-smoking is to smoking what methadone is to ......".....................

You're right. Chantix is more deadly than least in immediacy. But at least you *know what killed you* when you take Chantix. ;) With analogs, you still wonder if it was the city air, the caffeine, or some other common element in your day to day life...

Obi Wan

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 25, 2009
wow ,, reading this is insane.
ill never try chantix...
yet the fda approves it.. even more insane.. someone wants smokers either dead, insane or to keep smoking and pay 7 or 8 dollars a pack.
somehow its always about money and pretending to care about peoples health..
e-cigs may be the first safe replacement for cigarettes and if someone cant make money from it then they will ban it.or hopefully just regulate it and tax it.
not sure who they are yet,, fda ? government,,big pharmacies ? all of them ?
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